chapter 3 // the gang

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On my way home I stopped at the gas station to buy a drink because I forgot to buy one a lunch and I was parched. When I was finished at the gas station I saw Ponyboy and Johnny across the road. I wonder if they live around here too.

I yelled over to them and Johnny seemed startled by it. I quickly walked across the road to join them.
"Hey, you live on this side of town Sam?" Ponyboy asked.
"Yeah a few houses down on the next turn"
"No way I live in the house just before that turn" he replied excitedly.
"Oh cool well my dads not gonna be home till' 9pm so maybe I could stop by" I suggested. "Where abouts to you live Johnny?"
"Not far from here" he smiled.
Johnny was quite shy. He never really talked much but maybe it was just when he first meets people or something.

Ponyboy and Johnny both went back to Ponyboy's house and I told them I'd come over once I get my homework done.

I didn't know whether to change my clothes or not. I guess it didn't really matter but I decided not to because I just wasn't bothered. I knocked on the door and a taller, older boy answered. "Hi I'm Sodapop and you must be Sam." Ponyboy probably told them to be expecting me. He turned around and shouted up the stairs "Pony your girlfriend's here" I could tell he regretted saying that when he saw the look on my face.

Ponyboy came rushing down the stairs, he almost fell down them.
"Wow are you that excited to see me" I joked.
"No I just didn't want Soda to bombard you with questions"
"Hey I didn't! Didn't I not Sam, I swear" Soda quickly said. Ponyboy introduced me to everyone in their living room, Darry, Steve and Dallas.
I didn't get much of a chance to talk to them because Ponyboy rushed me upstairs where him and Johnny were still doing there homework. I helped them with it because I had it done already.

When they were finished we went back downstairs and I got to know everyone better. They explained to me everything about Greasers and Socs and the rivalry between the two gangs. Sodapop is actually really sweet, not to mention how handsome he is. To be honest all of them were attractive but all in different ways. Dally wasn't handsome though, he was a tough looking type of attractive. It was nearly 8:30pm and Ponyboy said he would walk me back to my house.

The sky was a sunset of orange, red and pink. Ponyboy started talking about how he loves sunsets and I was kind of shocked because he just didn't seem the type to dig that type of stuff.
We arrived at my house and he said him and Johnny would stop by tomorrow morning to walk to school.


"Isn't your dad gonna be home soon Sam?" I asked
"Oh shit yeah, I guess I should get going then" she replied
I told her I'll walk her home and she agreed that it was a good idea. The sky was orange, red and pink and I told her how I love sunsets. I don't usually talk about that to anyone, not even my brothers, but she was so easy to talk to. We agreed for me, her and Johnny to walk to school together tomorrow morning.

As soon as I got back to my house everyone started questioning me.
"So is she your girlfriend?" Dally asked.
"Yeah definitely not, you should've seen the look on her face when I called her Pony's girlfriend" said Soda while giggling. Was she really that disgusted at the thought of us being together? Why would I care anyway.
"Guys she's just our friend" I snapped. I just wanted them to shut up.
"Lay off guys" Darry said trying to help. By 10pm everyone had left and me and Soda headed up to our room.

Sam spent the next few days at our house after school. She already seemed comfortable and I think the gang likes her.

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