chapter 8 // drive-in movie

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The drive-in movie started at 9pm and it was only a 10 minute walk so we left at 8:45pm. Darry wasn't able to come along which was a shame but there was always other times. On the way me, Pony and Johnny walked behind Dally, Two-bit, Soda and Steve. Pony and Johnny just talked about how those 3 weeks were the longest of their life and how they hope I never have to leave again.

Me, Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally sat in the second row behind a Redhead who was complaining about her boyfriend. The rest of the gang sat behind us. That redhead wouldn't shut up. Soda came back with cokes for everyone. The movie had started and the redhead still didn't stop talking.
"Hey red! Shut up will ya?" She looked back at me in disgust.
"I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about your boyfriend all night." Dally agreed. She finally stopped yapping and we were able to just sit back and watch the movie.
"So Sam, have your eye on anyone?"
He nudged me
"Johnny Cade! Are you asking me if I'm single?" I joked.
"Just wonderin", he laughed.
"Why're ya asking?"
"No reason, no reason."
Obviously there was a reason but I just let it go.

When we got back to the guys Dally was gone, Pony was sitting beside that Redhead and Two-bit was sitting beside the other girl with short black hair. Me and Johnny looked at each other with confused looks on our faces. We sat where we were sitting before and turned around to Soda. He explained to us that Dally was bothering the Redhead whose name was Cherry. Anyways, after Dally stormed off, she turned around to Ponyboy and started talking to him.
"Then she basically asked him to 'protect her' and Two-bit obviously moved up to sit beside the other girl" Soda explained.

She was nearly 17 asking a 15 year old to "protect her". Can she not protect herself? Why was I angry at this. Her and Ponyboy were laughing and telling stories to each other. I think I was just annoyed because it was my first day back and Pony was talking to some soc girl. But I wasn't just angry, I was jealous? Why? Johnny noticed the hard expression on my face that I was trying to hide.
"Jealous are ya? He laughed. I just rolled my eyes. I just wanted to go home at this point. I had no idea what was going on in the movie so I just had to sit there listening to Cherry and Ponyboy laughing. She said something and I looked at Johnny and mimicked her. We both laughed and I could hear Soda and Steve laughing too.

Soda and Steve left a few minutes before the movie ended because they were tired and had work in the morning. Me and Johnny weren't just gonna leave Ponyboy here, so we waited until he was done talking with Cherry. We told Pony that we would wait at the exit for him. Johnny had to piss so he went to the bathroom. Most of the people had already left and I was just standing at the exit on my own.

Finally Ponyboy was done talking to Cherry.
"Where's Johnny?" He asked.
"Bathroom." I didn't feel like talking much.
"Oh okay. Are you okay? You seem annoyed or something's bothering you."
"Just fine, Pony." I didn't want him to know I was jealous. "So how about that redhead?"
"Eh she's alright." He said
"Well you seemed to like her, I mean, you were practically all over her." I hope he didn't notice how annoyed I sounded.

Johnny came around the corner and said he was ready to go.
We walked home mostly in silence. Johnny said he was gonna just sleep in the lot but it was so cold already, imagine how could it would be later. "You can sleep at my house, Johnny" Ponyboy offered.
"No you've got enough people there already, he can stay at mine. I'll sleep on the couch and you can have my bed." Johnny was so thankful but it was really nothing. I wouldn't have expected him to even think about going to his own house.

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