chapter 10 // secret

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I couldn't stop smiling all the way home. I had kissed a few people before, but not like that. I had never wanted to kiss someone more that I wanted to back there. The one thing I was dreading was having to tell her we should keep it a secret. I'm hoping she doesn't think I'm embarrassed or something. I just think it'll be better if we don't tell anyone for a while.

Sam rubbed off whatever was left of her lipstick on the walk home because the rest of the boys aren't as clueless as Johnny is. They would've been asking question straight away.
"I'm gonna get into some proper clothes, so I'll be over in a few." Sam said. That was a good idea, she was probably so uncomfortable throughout the day.

When she got here I knew I had to tell her straight away just incase she said anything. I pulled her upstairs to my room and told everyone not to disturb us because we're doing homework. She closed the door and turned around with an annoyed look on her face.
"I didn't even get to say hi to everyone."
"You can say hi later."
She sat down next to me on the bed.
"Well? Why did you drag me up here?"
"I think we should keep this a secret." I said nervously. She was silent for a few seconds.
"Okay, if you think so then we should."
Well that was easier than I thought it would be.
"Why aren't you questioning it or disagreeing or something?" I asked.
"Because I trust you. Plus it'll be kinda fun, sneaking around, you know?"
We just laughed. I guess she was right. And I'm glad she trusts me.


We realised we were gonna have to stay up here for a while because we said we were doing homework (neither of us had any homework).
I was pretty tired from flirting with all the soc boys so I decided to take a nap. Ponyboy had his hands hugged around my waist tight enough to keep me warm. He made it easy to fall asleep quickly.

When I woke up it was still bright out. But I was cold and the bed felt empty. I turned over and Ponyboy was gone. I didn't wanna get up and go downstairs. I wish he would come back and we could go back to sleep. But obviously he couldn't read my mind so I sat up and prepared myself to just be friends with Ponyboy in front of everyone.

I walked down to see everyone in the sitting room watching Mickey Mouse. Everyone turned their heads.
"Mornin' sleepyhead" Soda said giggling. I just smiled and went straight to the kitchen to get chocolate milk. I walked back into the sitting room and realised all the seats were full so I just sat on the arm of the chair Dally was sitting on. He looked up at me like "what are you doing". He nudged me to get off but I just nudged him back and then he nudged me a bit too hard and I fell off the chair. Everyone was laughing, Two-bit the most of course. Instead of trying again I just stayed sitting on the floor.

My head was pounding and I just wanted to go back to sleep. I lay back on the ground and groaned.
"You alright, Sam?" Johnny asked.
"My head is pounding" I sat up "do you guys have medicine or somethin'"
Darry told Ponyboy to get them from the top press. He went to get them and I followed. I closed the door behind me and he started checking if I had a temperature.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just a headache."
"You should go back to sleep" he told me.
"I'll try." It would probably be hard to go asleep now without Ponyboy.

He walked me up to his room to make sure I didn't "fall down the stairs".
We both sat on his bed while I took the medicine. He tucked my hair behind my ears and kissed me softly, almost as if he would hurt me if he did it any rougher.
"You don't need to be so gentle, Pony. It's just a headache."
And that was all he needed to hear for him to kiss me the same way he did when I was up against the wall in that empty classroom. I couldn't even feel the headache anymore, maybe it was because of the medicine or maybe it was him.

I heard the door starting to open along with Johnny's voice asking if we wanted cake. I pushed Ponyboy off of me as quick as I could but Johnny was standing in the door frame with a shocked but not surprised look on his face. I ran over and pulled him into the room, shutting the door behind me.
"You can't tell anyone, please." We both begged.
"I won't, I won't", He reassured us, "Wait, is that why your lipstick was all messed up today?"
"Yep." we both answered proudly.
"Anyways, ya'll want cake?" He changed the subject.
"If it's chocolate."

My dad was gonna be home late so we didn't go back to my house until 10pm. It was already dark out, so me and Johnny walked back to my house. We weren't tired so we just sat on the couch and watched whatever was on the tv. We weren't even paying attention to the tv, we just talked and talked and talked. He told me about how he wishes there was no greasers and no socs and I told him about my mother and my life in Oregon. Johnny was probably my bestfriend and I was honestly glad  he saw me and Pony because it would've been hard to keep it from him.. We ended up falling asleep on the couch. I was laying down with my legs over his lap.

At around 1:30am we were awoken by my dad slamming the door.
"Hi Sammy, hi Johnny!" he said in a hurry, "I only swung by to get something, so I won't be here for too long."
"Oh, is it like a night shift at work or something?" I asked.
"Yeah, something like that." He said as he shut the door behind him.

On Friday night me and Johnny were wide awake and probably wouldn't be able to sleep for the next few hours.
"Wanna go somewhere?" Johnny asked.
"Like where?"
"Anywhere. We should see if Pony's awake too." He suggested.
I agreed, only because I was bored and had nothing else to do.

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