chapter 12 // party

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I had fallen asleep with my head resting on Ponyboy's lap, but when I woke up my head was resting on Johnny's lap instead. My eyes were barely open but I could see that Ponyboy wasn't there. Johnny was still asleep so I sat up slowly. I strolled into the kitchen to see my dad sat there with Ponyboy, eating breakfast.
"Hi dad." I said. My voice was extremely croaky, and my throat hurt.
"Good morning Sammy." He smiled.
I wasn't even hungry, and I knew it would hurt to eat, so I just got a glass of water. I sat down beside my dad.
"I heard they're opening up that funfair in town," He started, "Are you guys gonna go?"
"Only if there's scary rides." I replied. I haven't been to a funfair since I was twelve.
"Well I better be off." My dad said, standing up.
"When will you be home?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, honey. Bye bye." He said rushing out the door, waving at us.

He slammed the door on his way out, causing Johnny to wake up. He stumbled into the kitchen and sat down at the table. We were all unbelievably tired and probably should've went back to sleep. Instead, we decided to go see the rest of the gang. On our way we remembered they would probably notice the hickey on my neck. God I hope they just stay quiet about it. When we got to Ponyboy's house, everyone inside seemed excited about something. Soda told us they were having a party later on.
"It's just gonna be some fun, no fights, no drama, no nothing." Two-bit told us.
"Not too much alcohol for you two though." Darry said, walking in from the kitchen. I didn't really care about drinking that much anyways. Neither did Ponyboy. And imagine if we got drunk and accidentally kissed in front of everyone or something. We were definitely gonna have to be careful.

They never told us who was actually going to be at the party other than all of us. Other greasers? Socs? I doubt any socs. Maybe that redhead girl will come with her friend, the black haired one. Maybe she'll ramble on about her boyfriend again.

For the rest of the afternoon we all watched tv and took naps. Ponyboy barely even looked at me all day, but he was probably just tired, like the rest of us. Once it hit 7pm all of us were wide awake, seen as Soda and Steve were really hyper. Should I go home and get changed? The outfit I'm wearing right now seems okay to me. I mean, it's just jeans and a tight
t-shirt, but it's not like this is gonna be some fancy party. I decided to just keep what I was wearing the same.

People started showing up at around 8:30pm. I recognised some of them from school, but most of them I had no clue who they were. That Cherry girl and her friend actually did come. To be honest, I was surprised. Ponyboy was talking to Cherry, so I decided to go over these two boys sitting with a girl and talk to them. I wouldn't say they're socs or greasers, just kind of in the middle. Like me, I guess. Am I a greaser? I'm definitely not a soc anyway. I don't really think it matters.

I looked over to check on Ponyboy, and him and Cherry seemed... close?
I don't know. Maybe I'm just acting like a jealous brat. I mean, we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend so he's free to do what he wants. It would just be mean if he did. They were laughing and I'm pretty sure he was kinda tipsy. Why is he acting like I don't exist? I started flirting with one of the boys beside me, in hope Ponyboy would notice and get jealous. Cherry was now sitting on his lap. There has to be a good explanation for this. He was whispering things in her ear. I could've cried right then and there but I tried my best to act like I didn't care. I gave up on trying to make him jealous, because he wasn't paying any attention to me.

For the rest of the night he sat with Cherry and a few other guys, while I sat with random people I didn't know and Johnny came over to me a couple of times. I could tell Johnny felt bad for me. He didn't understand what Ponyboy was trying to do either.

At around 12:30am everyone was gone except Me, Johnny, Ponyboy, Soda, Steve, Two-bit, Darry and Dally. Ponyboy still hadn't explained anything to me.
"Well I'm pretty tired, I'll be in my room if anyone need me." Ponyboy said walking up the stairs.
Me and Johnny looked at each other and I walked up the stairs behind him. The door was closing slowly but before it fully closed, I stopped it with my hand. I stepped in, and all the things I wanted to ask just went away. He sat down on the bed and smiled at me. I just stood near the door and didn't know what to say.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asked.
"Or do you want to stay here?" He suggested, "you can if you want."
Why was he acting like nothing happened? Did I just imagine that all? I just stayed standing there so confused.
"Sam are you okay?" He asked, concerned.
I was honestly lost for words. He got up and walked over to me starting to feel my forehead to see if I had a fever. "What's wrong?"
I just started crying and said words at the same time. "You... and... didn't look at me... Cherry." Is all I said. He understood what I was trying to say.

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