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As time went on, Seokjin's pregnancy began to show more and more and when Jungkook's scent started overpowering his, all Namkwon could do was sigh and move on.

Jimin got a little bit more secure and started working at Taehyung's shop and may have let Yoongi's thoughts of the mated omega stealing Jimin away slip and now, to compensate, gave Jimin some needlework or clothes needing mending and pushed him to go work closer to Yoongi or eat lunch with him. Yoongi wouldn't admit he liked the increased time with Jimin to him.

Chaein started giving them exercises they could do together to deepen their bond and make Jimin feel calmer, which they did most nights.

There was another choosing in which Yoongi was gone for almost two weeks and Jimin told him he was going with him the next time.

There were tough conversations and fears and insecurities laid out on the table, the scale of weight between them much heavier on Jimin's side, but they came out of them closer and more understanding of the other.

And it took time, but Jungkook started sharing some of his trauma and experiences with his mates. Just because he wasn't taking the full brunt of the abuse, didn't mean he wasn't hurt and scarred. His anxiety stemmed from his parents' deaths and feeling helpless to stop anything happening. All he could do was watch and cry with Jimin and the other omegas.

Namkwon retired and moved into the pack alpha's cabin just before Seokjin was put on bed rest until the birth—he wanted to be in their home during it.

Jimin avoided Namkwon's eyes when they saw each other in the elder's cabin.

The harvest festival came again and Yoongi wasn't so distracted this time when they danced, but he gifted Jimin a new coat—this one he made himself—and tucked them away in their cabin when they decided it was time to be alone. They struggled to deal with the dried and flaky clay in the furs and sheets the next day.

After seeing how close they were at the festival and Jimin's reaction when the past was mentioned, the Park-Jeon omegas slowly started to trust Yoongi and Jimin's choice to move on as best he could.

They left for a weekend to start building out Yoongi's shack in the woods more but even with the extra space, they still slept as close as they had before.

Another conversation was had about Yoongi's rut and to the disappointment of Jimin, they decided that Jimin would go spend that time with someone else. Jimin would come and check on him every day during it and leave a little snack and scented item on the porch to make it easier and to feed the chickens.

Except for Seokjin's nearing delivery, life was calming down finally.

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