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The trip back to the Kim pack was long. But during that time, the group became more familiar with Jungkook and Jimin.

They were cousins, distant, but still cousins. Yoongi and Hoseok explained they were adopted and that they would meet Namjoon when they returned to the pack.

"Why was he held back?" Jimin asked during dinner the first night.

"His mate went into heat," Yoongi mumbled, tending to the fire with his hand not preoccupied with a wooden bowl.

Jimin's mouth formed an "o."

"They both are very nice though," Hoseok rushed, for some reason wanting to explain that they weren't promiscuous even though Seokjin's heat couldn't be helped. Yoongi nodded, pressing the rim of the bowl to his lips and drinking the rest of the broth in his stew.

When the five stopped again to set up camp the next day, Jimin had hinted at wanting to wash off mud from the run in the river they followed. Jungkook went with him to wash up as well and guard him.

When the three were alone, Hoseok pulled out his papers to document how the trip was going thus far. More of a hobby than anything, but if anything happened, he'd have it written down. Yoongi and Namkwon were left to gather the firewood.

"Banyoo could be a good match for omega Park," Namkwon said suddenly, making Yoongi glance up at him. "They both work with the farms and omega Park has experience in caring for pups. Not to mention he's a strong and healthy omega."

Yoongi knew that omegas were chosen based first on their childbearing abilities and then their work, but something didn't sit right with him. He wasn't sure if it was how Namkwon was speaking about Jimin or if it was the pairing.

Banyoo was infamous in the pack for his violence that came with his strength. He was brash and rude and fought whenever he couldn't get something he wanted.

And he would definitely want Jimin.

The omega was strong and healthy, and had the figure omegas tried their hardest to get. But a certain fragility about him made Yoongi question if he'd be able to handle someone like Banyoo.

"Maybe," Yoongi mumbled in response.

Namkwon glanced at Yoongi, but turned back to his wood. They returned to camp soon after.

Jimin and Jungkook were still behind the bushes, where Yoongi heard giggles of the omega and splashing water and he knew that Banyoo would strip that away. But who was he to step into a matchmaking?

Yoongi was setting up the stew pot again when they returned. The two looked more energized than they had before, probably from the cooling water. Yoongi picked up a rabbit and started skinning it.

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