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No conversation came after that. Jimin didn't want to get worked up to the point where he yelled—the last time it happened with an alpha did not end well—but he didn't want Yoongi to think he was just pretending to care. The alpha was focused on applying the medicine to his scars, so no words came from him either.

Jimin sat in silence, waiting for Yoongi to be the first to talk. But as more time passed, he began to realize how long of a wait that would be. Every few moments, Jimin would glance over to see if Yoongi truly did need help. And just from looking at how the alpha would silently hiss at his arm slowly moving so he could cover the scars on his back, Jimin could assume a scar tissue in his shoulder prevented a full range of motion for his arm.

"Let me help, it would be easier," Jimin offered.

"I am doing fine," Yoongi grunted. He hissed again and had to pause when his shoulder wouldn't let him continue to move his arm back. Jimin was standing and across the cabin sooner than he could say anything.


Jimin stood near Yoongi in the mirror, Yoongi sitting on the edge of the bed and the medicine in his hand not trying to reach back. Yoongi seemed to stare into his soul before huffing and nodding reluctantly.

"Some of the skin is sensitive, so please be careful," Yoongi sighed, handing Jimin the bottle. The medicine had the consistency of an oil, but nearly frigid as ice. "Numbs the pain."

"Do they still hurt?" Jimin asked, kneeling behind Yoongi on the bed.

"The newer ones, yes. And if something hits the sensitive spots, it hurts like hell."

"Where are the sensitive spots? I will try not to touch them much." Some of Yoongi's back was already covered in a thin layer of the medicine, but not much due to his shoulder. His skin was bumpy from the scars and gooseflesh from the medicine.

"Spots between scars. Around my waist, there is a bit of scar that is torture to put the medicine on."

"Is that why your bed is so soft? So there is less pressure?"

"I suppose so. The elders gifted it to me after my first hunt, not completely sure why."

"A bed is a strange gift," Jimin agreed, gently rubbing in the oil into Yoongi's skin. "Can you tell me about the hunts? Kim culture is so much different from Park-Jeon."

"There are a few hunts throughout the year. Once before the choosing so there is enough time for drying and sewing furs, once during the winter if we need meat or more furs, and once in the spring and summertime. Of course, you can go hunting whenever you want, those are just the three main ones that most alphas participate in."

"What is the third hunt for?"

"It was never really explained well to me. When the mating season ends, the hunt is prepared for. I guess a sort of final gift between new mates or furs for any pups made."

Jimin flushed. And his mouth ran. "Have you ever participated for someone?"

"No." Jimin didn't know why he almost cried out of relief. "No one in the Kim pack really sparks anything for me. What about the Park-Jeon pack? Are they as scheduled as the Kims?"

Jimin snorted, moving his hands down from Yoongi's shoulders and upper back. "You have seen the pack. Take a guess."

Yoongi chuckled before seizing up with a hiss and a snarl. "FUCK!"

Jimin jumped away with wide eyes, hands up. One of Yoongi's hands was holding the bed covers in a white-knuckled fist, the other providing a finger to be bit.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Jimin rushed, wide eyes only getting wider. "I think I hit that scar, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine," Yoongi barked, Jimin wincing. "Just... give me a second. It'll numb down in a second."

"I'm sorry," Jimin whimpered one last time, a little scared that Yoongi would lash out if Jimin touched him again.

"It's fine. You can continue, just be a bit more gentle. I should be the one apologizing for shouting."

"But I hit the scar."

"I didn't specify which scar it was. It wasn't your fault."

Jimin slowly crawled back to Yoongi and cautiously touched the area around the scar, feeling Yoongi tense up.

"I can't really get a good angle. I'm scared I'll hit it again."

"It'll be okay," Yoongi said, but moved more into the bed and laid on his stomach. Jimin dripped more of the medicine into his hands and nervously rubbed it into Yoongi's skin.

Neither noticed the slip into informal speech.

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