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Just and FYI this is a very slow burn for YoonMin. There is so much pining how did I write this without going insane? NamJinKook start seeing each other around this time, but it's not really mentioned.

Jimin returned to his quarters mostly out of fear of Namkwon coming and being angry at him. The conversation—in which Jimin understood little of—had sobered him and he was in no more mood for more drink. So he went home to sleep out the cold.

He had changed out of the silks and into his night clothes when a surprising and very strong urge hit him and he turned back to the coat folded neatly on the chest before his bed.

It was a new scent in his quarters. It was a good scent and based off of the earlier events of the night, protective and comforting.

The soft lynx furs kissed Jimin's palms so gently when he picked it up and he really couldn't be blamed for pressing it to his face. The fur was warm and plush against his skin and the scent it bathed in had him breathing in so deeply, his lungs could have burst and it wouldn't have been enough. It smelled like someone put hard work into every portion of making it, the hunt, skinning, drying, dyeing, sewing and mending. Like it was all made by hand and somewhere in the back of Jimin's mind, he thought it would have made an amazing courting gift.

It smelled like calm and comfort, and with a confusing pang, Jimin realized that was what Yoongi smelled like. Hard work and comfort with undertones of sandalwood and the milky essence of maybe lavender. It was the only flower Jimin could really smell apart from others.

Jimin was buttoning up the coat again before he even realized his arms were through the sleeves. And he knew it would've been improper and everyone would have known, but he slipped into bed with it on and no longer felt alone in the quarters that felt so big to him on his own. Like Yoongi was there with him and his scent was coming from its source. Like Yoongi was giving Jimin warmth and comfort and easing his anxiety about Namkwon.

Jimin was lulled into sleep surrounded by soft fur, sandalwood, and lavender.

His guide definitely knew. They spoke little except for work matters, but the alpha couldn't help himself from an amused look and a "sleep well?"

Jimin didn't restrain his glare.

The other farmers definitely knew. Yoongi's scent still clung to Jimin even without the coat and because Yoongi was his supervisor, it was only a matter of time before he knew as well.

Jimin held his breath when the alpha neared him with his list of morning duties.

But he just started off with "Good morning, here are your chores, you should be able to finish them before classes. If not, they will be sent to your afternoon chores" as he always began with and listed them off before handing Jimin the paper and a key copy to the barn with the livestock. And walked off.

Jimin stood stunned where Yoongi left him. He had gotten several amused looks and teasing words, all very different from what the Park-Jeon pack acted if something like that had happened.

If it did, the alpha who gave the omega the coat basically had all bodily claims onto them and once they found out the omega slept with their coat, they were allowed to fuck them at any given point of their choosing. Others would have avoided the omega until they were mated due to "impurity."

Here, it was just funny? No claiming? No impurity? Just teasing?

The Kim pack was appearing more and more like it was amongst the stars than before.

Jimin let out a huge sigh of relief before hurrying to do his chores before his lessons, not realizing that Yoongi had all but fled to his office on the second floor of the barn with a face red enough to steam.

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