Chapter Two

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Hailey's POV: As me and Jake walked down the hallways, his question broke the ear splitting silence. 

"Hey hailey? Why did you ask me to go get a smoothie?" I suddenly felt flustered. Why did I?

"Oh, um! Well, I was gonna go with Zander and Luke but they said they had a date at a restaurant and I asked Sean and he is out with daisy and millly, is well, being milly! So your the last person I asked."

"Oh, really?" he said with a sorrow voice. 

"I-I mean, I didn't mean to hurt you. Anyways look! The smoothie bar! Smooothiieees!"

"Uh, ok?" I grabbed Jake by the hand and ran up to the counter.

"Hi! Welcome to Music Smoothies! How may I help you today?" The cashier seemed really friendly.

"Hi! Can I have a blueberry strawberry smoothie please?" I asked.

"Yea, I'll take a peach smoothie." Jake said. 

"Coming right up!" This was the school smoothie bar, so we didn't have to pay luckily. I come her often when I feel down, or when I write the songs I sing. I was finally sharing it with Jake. 

"Anyways, I brought you here to talk about the competition. Do you have anything you are gonna wear?" I asked.

"Well yea, just a white vest with a black tee. Some green camo pants with that." He replied.

"Ok, and um, did you get anyone on your side to come?"

"Yea actually!" He started to smile. "Guess what?"

"What?" I said smirking.

"I got the whole school to come!" I clasped my hands over my mouth. 

"Oh my gosh! Jake! I, I'm speechless!" I jumped out of my seat and hugged him. Man, I have been wanting to hug him. After a few hours, we left. I left feeling closer to Jake. I was thinking long and hard. Did, did I have a crush on him? No no! He likes daisy! But, that doesn't mean I can't like him!

I skipped away, feeling happier. I was so excited for tomorrow. I couldn't wait to see Jake again!

Jakes POV:

I headed back to school the next day. Drew called me over. 

"Hey Jake! When is your freak competition?"he asked. I did not want him to call them freaks, but kept quiet.

"Friday," I muttered.

"Cool. Your leaving after this right? Or are you still going for daisy?"

"I-I" I felt all my confidence bubble up. "I don't wanna leave! I want to stay. I-I love to sing!"

"Ha ha! Your becoming a freak too!" Henry blathered.

I blushed. "I-I'm not! Fine I will leave after the band competition, k?

"K good. Only for daisy?" Drew asked with a serious tone.

"Only for my one and only. Anyways I got class, see y'all!" I walked away and saw Zander, frowning at his phone. I wonder what happened. I walk over to check on him.

"Hey Zand-" I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Save it Jake." He said, pushing my hand away. Huh weird. Why did we walk away?


Thanks so much for reading everyone! 13 reads is a lot for me! I'm truly grateful! Please comment ideas! I will be updating miracles soon! See you Fam! 🙏 😊 

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