Chapter Six

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(It's still Hailey's POV from now on in the book)

Warning: if you don't like kissing scenes please skip to third paragraph! Ty!

I stood there, frozen. My eyes fluttered shut as his lips touched mine. After 2 minutes, we pulled away. I didn't know what to do, it was so awkward, so I just started kissing him again. Like, I know I am new to this, but what was I supposed to say. 

I was lost in the kiss when I realized that I had been kissing the guy who doesn't even like me. I instantly pulled away. 

"Get away from the boy!" Someone called. I looked behind me to see the nice doctor. 

"He has a brain injury where he doesn't think straight. This will be happening for the next few days. It's not serious. Just please be carefu-"

"Hailey! Come back!" Jake cried. I ran out of the hospital room and down the street. What the heck have I done. I opened the door and ran upstairs to my room. I flopped on my bed as I just wondered. What would happen to the music club now?! This was terrible! Jake was literally going crazy.

A few days passed by and I finally worked up the courage to go to the hospital. As I walked into jakes room, I saw daisy there. 

"Oh hey Daisy, what are you doing here?"

"Hey Hailey. It's not like your the only one who is concerned about his health."

"What do you mean! I know everyone cares!"

"Gosh Hailey. Just stay out of it. I  was talking to Jake."

"About what? Like why can't I be here?"

"Because he is getting discharged soon, and then-"

"Then what?"

I saw a look of sorrow in her eyes. 

"Where going on a date!" Jake exclaimed while grinning. 

"What?!" I cried.

"Yea, it's official." said Daisy coldly. At that exact moment, Sean rushed in the room. 

"What's going on here!?" He asked. "Daisy! I thought we were together! What happened!"

"Well," daisy cried. "I-I don't love you anymore!" Sean stood frozen as I comforted him. 

"It's okay Sean. Your not the only one who got their heart broken today. I took his hand and we walked out.

"Oh yea, and Jake." 

"What is it Hailey?"

"Don't think of coming back to the club."

"I wasn't planning to." I swiftly turned around.

"What do you mean?! I thought you would come to me and the others. BEG for forgiveness?"

"Hailey, I didn't know when it would come to this. But, I-"

"Your gonna what, Jake?!"

"I'm gonna leave the club after the competition. That's why I was never took by surprise when you kicked me out again just now."

"B-but, when you sang your audition, you sang with your heart! I thought you really had a passion for singing, a passion for MUSIC! I let you have a second chance! I thought after the video Zander showed us, it was a joke. I'm sorry for slapping you if it's because of that!"

"but , it's just Drew!" 

"Drew what?! I thought we talked about this! In my room remember?"

"I do, but I can't do anything, I just want to stay but I can't stay"

"Then leave. And don't think of coming back for another chance. Cmon Sean let's go." 

As me and Sean were walking down the streets, Sean broke the awkward silence.

"Hey Hailey. I don't mean to fluster  you or anything but, do you have a crush on Jake?

"I-um." I looked down at the sidewalk as I kicked a pebble. "Maybe."

"Well then, I wish you the best of luck getting him back."

"Thanks, Sean." We parted our ways and I walked inside my house.

"Hey Hailey! Would you be a dear and go get some dinner for us? You can choose which restaurant to take out from!" Dad said.

"Okay dad, I'll just go change into my coat." I went upstairs and put on my light jacket and cap. I wore my scarf around the neck. It was a cold October evening and Shannon was out shopping with Zander and Bethany. 

"K dad, im going out!"

"Okay Hailey! Bye!"

"Bye dad!" I opened the front door and started walking. I checked my phone for nearby restaurants. 

"Guess we'll eat from Olive Garden again." I thought. I walked past our school. As I was running my fingers through the cracks of the bricks, I noticed a poster. It said:

"Girls Singing Contest!

Do you think your a talented GIRL singer? Well then! Join the girls singing contest! 

It will be in December eleventh at 12:00 pm! Just fill out this form with the QR code below and your in! There will be donuts, pizza, and soda as your lunch meal. Bring your friends, your family, and your boyfriends! Can't wait to see you there!

I instantly took out my phone and scanned the QR code. I was doing this. I furiously typed in the entrance form. I ran all the way to Olive Garden, super excited. I got some Eggplant Parmesan and warm breadsticks. 

"Thank you!" I sad while smiling. I regognized the worker but didn't pay much attention to it. I was too hyped. It was after the band competition, so I could do it! I ran all the way home to see Dad, Shannon, Zander, and Bethany waiting for me at the dinner table.

"Hey guys! Guess what?!" I exclaimed


Sorry for such a lame chapter yall. This series is going to be soo hype! Let me just tell you that Jake is ok and already discharged. While this was happening, he and Daisy went on there date, and maybe stole a kiss or too 😏. However, from now on, I will not be writing in Jake's perspective. It will mainly and only be Hailey's. If I do need to clarify something from Jakes side than I would tell you guys! Thanks a lot for 175 reads and I'll see you next time! 

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