Chapter Four:

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Hailey's POV:

When I opened my eyes, I saw the man lying there. I rushed over.

"Hello? A-are you ok?" I asked.

"Hey lady! Get away from him! He is a physco! He ran in front of my speedy car. I mean why would I stop for some stupid tall high school blondie, right!" A man said.

"That's enough! He saved my life!" I shouted. Wait. Tall, high schooler, blonde, new my name. No one but- OH NO! What have I done!

"JAKE!" I cried. "Please get up! Someone, call an ambulance!"

"Help!" A woman called! "We've got a injured person here." I noticed little glass shards in his skin. I carefully plucked them out. I felt all my tears rushing down my cheek. The paramedics came 5 minutes later. They took Jake on a stretcher into the ambulance.

"Maam. If I may, what happened here?" A doctor asked me.

"Well he got ran over a car, and it was all my fault!" 

"Don't worry. He will be okay. Wanna hop on?" I nodded my head as I climbed into the van. I took a seat next to Jake. I looked at him. I was the only one in the back. He turned his head slowly and looked at me. I clasped my hand over my mouth as I ran my finger through his hair.

"Oh Jake."

"H-hailey." He struggled to say. 

"Jake? What is it? tell me."

"Don't give up on  the competition.."

"Jake! How can you say such things? I'm canceling everything!"

"N-n-no hailey." He said in a raspy voice. "Don't." He smiled as he blacked out.

"Jake?! JAKE!" I cried. I took his wounded hands and put them to my forehead. I cried and sobbed. After a few minutes, I let go. I got out my phone. I had to tell the club. And the monkeys.

The Awesome Music Peeps

Guys! Please meet me at RozyBud hospital! Something happened to Jake! It's severe! And I'm sorry to say but we can't compete?

Why do we have to meet with the music simp?

Because he is injured!

"Oh no! Zander! Cmon!"

"Fine Luke."

"We'll be there in jiffy!"

"Yea, what milly said."



"Oh no! Hope he is all well. Me and daisy are coming as well!"

I took Jakes phone from his pocket. He had put my finger as a touch screen passcode yesterday, so I was good. I unlocked  it and went to his friends group chat.

The gamers

"Hey guys! It's music freak hailey here! Jake is severely injured and I was hoping y'all could visit.

"When your there, Nah." (Drew)

"Oh no! Jake is hurt! I'll be there! Zoey? You coming?" (Lia)

Omg oh no! Ofc I'll come! You are coming too Drewy Bear 😘" (zoey)

"K" (drew)

"I was just sending Liam my hero academia memes, but we will be over there. Hope Jake is ok 👌🏻. 🥬 🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬🥬" (Henry)

"Yea, coming over rn" (Liam)

That was good! All of jakes friends were coming. We reached the hospital shortly after. I ran inside with his stretcher and a few other doctors. They set him up in a hospital bed. I waited anxiously outside. That same nice doctor came up to me.

"He's ready. You wanna go see him. He is doing awe-"

"I'll pay for all the bills! Just help him please!" I cried.

"No need for bills. I've got you covered. Here at the RozyBud hospital, everything is free! We believe health isn't something to be paid for."

"Thank you so much!" I called as I ran into the room. It just broke my heart to see him in the bed like that. With all those scars and bruises. There was a large bandage wrapped around his fore head. I sat down and prayed. I prayed for him to get well soon.

"What happened!" Sean exclaimed. They were here.

"Oh my gosh is he okay?" Daisy cried. 

"We got get well soon gifts for you Jake!" Luke said warmly. "Even Zander made a card for you!"

"Don't bluff it." He said. They all laughed.

"We're here!" Drew said.

"JAKE! What happened?! Omg!" Lia exclaimed. "You. It's your fault." 

"What it's not mine!" I said.

"Jake! We got gifts! I got you some lettuce, Liam got a plush of stacey's mom, and Drew got a teddy saying get well soon!" Henry said. Zander turned his head.

"Oh no it's you."

"Great, it's you."

Announcement: no shoutout yet! Thx for reading everyone! Hope you loved chapter 4! Pretty epic I know 😍.  I will post a new, adventure filled chapter of this book! Stay tuned and happy spooky month! 👻 

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