Chapter 10- Thanksgiving Preparations

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Milly had called me. I had no idea why. I was rehearsing for the singing competition. I instantly called back.

"Hey Milly! Why'd you call?"

"Hey! Finally Hailey! Listen, everyone agreed and I am so excited for this and I can't wait to tell you so-"

"Wait, what? What did everyone agree on?"

"That's what I'm telling you!!"

"Oh sorry."

"So, since we all know thanksgiving is near. Me, Luke and Zander decide to make a Thanksgiving dinner plan. Well, it was Zanders idea. He said we could host at your place. I asked if we needed to bring something. Zander said he'll do most of the cooking. We could bring cookies. So, it's today cause we have our competition tomorrow! On Sunday! So, you up for it?"

"I, um, sure!"

"Kk! Cya Haileey!"


I marched my way to Zander's room. How could he not tell me this?!

"Hey Zander!" I cried while barging in. Zander had his head in his hands.

My voice softened. "What happened?"

"I'm pretty sure Milly told you, right?" He asked.

"Yea!" I replied.

"Well, I just realized."

"Realized what?"

"During the day, I have this important piano recital I need to go to, and I can't cook. I asked Luke, but he was busy with some drum preparations, and his grandma was coming. Milly, Sean, and Jake can't either." He looked at me.

"Hailey. Will you please cook dinner for thanksgiving?"

"But Zander!"

"Hailey. Everyone is counting on you. This has been a music club tradition, right? Every holiday, we have a big dinner. Our house has been the only one who hasn't hosted. This means a lot to me. Please."

I hesitated for a bit. "Okay, fine." I sighed.

Zander hugged me tight!

"Thanks so much! Off to bed now!"

The next day, I woke up and got straight to work. I loved to cook. I had been taking culinary classes since I was little. I made a list of what food there was going to be at the table.

List for thanksgiving:

Garlic Noodles



Mashed Potato's


Cranberry Sauce



I was going to get started. I had 10 hours to make all these dishes. Jake said he would bring some pie. Milly would bring cookies. Sean and Luke will bring gifts.

I whipped the packet of noodles from underneath the kitchen counter. I boiled the water and tossed them in there. I had the turkey base ready, so I put it in the oven.

I chopped the vegetables on my cutting board as I slowly tossed them in the pot. I got some water and soup powder and stirred. I took my oven mits, grabbed the pot, and sniffed it. It smelled amazing!

I worked hard on making the gravy, and poured it into a bowl. I chopped up potatoes and mashed them. I used the flour and yeast to create a lasagna base. I sprinkled cheese as stuffing. I let it cook for sometime. Everything in the kitchen smelled so good.

"Hey Hailey. What's cookin?" Someone asked. I turned around to see Shanon.

"Oh hey. I was just cooking for tonight."

"The thanksgiving feast?"


"Well. I'll pick up some chipotle after me and Zander come back. Your dad is working at work and Bethany's at her friends. You'll be home alone for a few hours. Is that okay?"


"K! Bye Hailey Dear!"


I gathered the cranberries from the fridge and turned them into a sauce. I poured all the raw pasta I had made into my huge pot. I made basil pasta. I took a taste of every dish I had made. I sprinkled some salt into the pasta and soup. Mmm, perfect. I took out the turkey wearing the gloves. I set it on the plates. I cleaned the house. I set the table. By that time, it was already 6:17. Jake and the others were coming at 6:30! I ran upstairs to change into my cutest dress. I did my hair.

As I walked downstairs, I saw Shanon and Dad leaving.

"Hailey! We're leaving for dinner! You and Zander have fun! Bethany is sleeping over!"

"K mom! Bye!"

I saw Zander, waiting by the door, checking his watch.

"Oh hey Hailey. Everything looks amazing. They will love it. When did you learn to cook like this." He asked.

"Oh. Thanks Zander. I've been taking culinary classes since I was 3."

Me and Zander were laughing and talking. The doorbell rang. I knew that no package was being delivered, nor was mom and dad home yet, since they just left. 

I gulped as I walked to open the door.

They were here.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading chapter 10! Since thanksgiving is soon, I thought I'd make two chapters dedicated to it.  Also, to clarify, the band competition is going to come in chapter 12!!! Thank you all SOO MUCH for 400+ reads! 400 pairs of eyes have read this! It means a lot! Anyways, I'll see you in the next one!

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