Chapter Seven-What is Love?

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I dropped the Olive Garden bag on the table and we all sat down for dinner.

"Yum!" Bethany exclaimed. 

I remembered the contest I was telling them about  and held up my phone.

"It's a singing contest! For girls! I know I'm not very confident about singing, but after practicing with Jake a lot, I feel better now! I feel like I can preform in front of people!" I exclaimed. I was pointing towards my phone in excitement. I had never felt this way about public performances. Was it because I had grown? Or was it because of Jake?

"That's great Hailey! You should take part!" Said Shannon.

"Yea! I really wanna see you sing!" cried Bethany.

"But Hailey. Is this after the band competition?" Zander asked.

"Yes! Two months after to be precise."

"Hmm ok, you can participate." 

"Zander, it's not like I need your permission to anyways." I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"I-I was just saying." Zander said, flustered.

I got a ping from my phone. 

"Excuse me." I said. I got up from the table and went upstairs. I opened my phone to see Jake had sent me some messages. It was of him and Daisy on their date. I felt envious of them, just looking at the picture. I texted back:

So, how's it going between you two?

You know what Hailey? I trust you. She broke up with me on that date. She said her heart ached and belonged to someone else. 

Really?! I feel sorry for you! 

Heck no. I was overjoyed. But, why?

Thanks Hailey. So you wanna meet up tomorrow after school to work on our song?

Ok, but are you all good?

Yea I'm good. My brain has been on a path to fast recovery!

Oh that's great! I'll see you tomorrow then Jake!

Yea see you tomorrow!

Also Hailey. 


A long pause came after.


Thank you. 

For what?

For everything. You've been by my side all these days. I don't know how I can pay you back.

No need. Besides, isn't that what friends are for?

Yea... K gtg eat leftovers bye 😘 

A kiss emoji? What did he mean by that? I dug my face into my hands as I blushed a lot. 

"Hey Hailey?! You coming?!" Zander called.

"Yep! On my way!"

——- time skip to next day at school ——-

"Omg! Have  you heard that prom is going to be available to 11th graders this year as well?"

"Yea! Like omg! Do you have a date yet?!"

"No, but I need to buy more lipstick to get one"

"Ugh ya. I hate dressing up. Why can't we be ourselves?!"

"Bestie! We can't if we want boys!"

"K fine!"

What was this prom talk about? I knew Sean wasn't going, but we could too?! All my life, I waited for prom. I couldn't wait to get a date and dance on the dance floor. And wear a pretty dress. I walked over to the music room to see everyone there. Even Jake.

"Hey guys! W-what are you doing here?!"

"Oh! Hey Hailey! We were  just talking about how the band competition is right before prom." Milly exclaimed. "Isn't that great?!" 

"What?! No! I can't believe this! I want to do both."

"Then do both." Zander muttered.

"Ugh Zander." I turned my attention to Jake, who was balancing a pencil on his nose. "Hey Jake?"

"Yea?" He asked, still focusing on the pencil.

"Y-you going to prom?" I asked while tucking a flock of hair behind my ear.

"Yea. Why?" He said as he took a sip of water.

"Got to go to first period yall cya!" Milly interrupted. 

"Same." Sean replied.

"Oh yeah, we should go." Zander and Luke said. 

"Bye!" I called out. 

"Anyways, what were you saying?" He asked 

"Um well. I was wondering if you had a date yet."

"Oh. Well uh since your Hailey, I guess I can trust you. No, I don't. I tried asking Daisy, but she refused politely, like I expected her too."

"Oh.." I said, holding one hand with the other.

"Uh Hailey?"

"Yea Jake." I said, now taking a sip of my juice Zander left for me.

"W-would you like to be my date to prom?" 

I spat out my juice all over the music stage in the room.

"What?!" I cried.  My mind was spinning. Was he in love with me? W-was I in love with him? 

What even is this love?

Hey y'all! Thanks for reading! Yes, another cliffhanger! Shoutout to: ChaimaShi! The next chapter will be a UNCONFIRMED HAILEY LOVE BACKSTORY!! Also yes, now I will be titling them!! Don't mind lol. See you in the next one fam!

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