Chapter 11- Angela

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Warning: this chapter contains UNCONFIRMED information. Read with caution and don't call me out. :)

I twisted the door knob to see a figure who was certainly a woman. Her long, blue hair blew in in the wind. She was wearing a pink coat and snow boots. 

"Excuse me, w-who are you? I'm not sure if I recognize you-" I said, but something cut me off. The woman jumped up and hugged me tight. 

"Oh Hailey! I've missed you much!" She exclaimed. I pushed the maniac away. "My my! Look how much you've grown, dear!" She cried. I finally got a good glimpse of her face.

Red lipstick.

Long, silky teal hair.

Grey eyes

"MOM?!?" I cried. I backed away in horror. "G-get out! Now!" 

"Oh Hailey let me explain. I thought it would be nice for us to have a family dinner." She said. "Mm mm MM! What's that smell! Hailey, did you make this?" She sniffed.

"Yes. Now GET OUT!" I screamed 

"Hailey, what's happening?" Zander asked. I turned around and glared at him. 

"She's my MOM zander. My BIOLOGICAL MOM!!" I cried. I turned around and said coldly, "WHOM I HATE VERY MUCH!"

"Hailey darling, please, let me come in." She said, welcoming herself in.

"Your NOT welcome in this house." I sad, pushing her outside.

Backstory: My mom was a very poor woman at first. She married my dad, who was rich and owned a million dollar company. He loved my mom so blindly, he couldn't see that she was a gold digger. He passed his company on to her.

This all happened before I was born, of course.

I was born, and the second she placed eyes on me, she HATED me. Growing up, my dad was only supportive of my singing and cooking passion, not my mom. One day, when I was eight, I was playing with my dolls. I heard screams from downstairs. I crept down the stairs to see what was happening. I peeked from the staircase walls to see mom and dad arguing. Mom was crying, begging.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" Dad screamed

"Please, Micheal.. I didn't mean to spend it all. I-I got carried away!" She cried.

"Not only have you made my business go BANKRUPT ANGELA, you cheated on me! I gave you everything you wanted! And you went and made out with some guy at work!" 

"I'm sorry, but I had to!" Mom snapped. "The truth is, I HATE YOU. I HATE BAILEY AS WELL!!"

"HER NAME IS HAILEY!!" Dad shouted.

"WHATEVER! DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARED?! Listen, I married you because you were rich. You were booming with money and you could take care of me. YOU COULD EVEN COOK!! HAHAHA! I just had to sit back and relax. And the truth is, I HATE HAILEY. GOD I WISH THAT UGLY GOBLIN WAS NEVER BORN!!"

"Hailey is not UGLY!" Dad snapped back.

"I HATE YOU MICHEAL! YOU'VE LEFT ME WITH ZERO MONEY AND A MAXED OUT CREDIT CARD!! And now.." she cried. "I'm all alone, I've got no where to go." She crawled up to dad and cried hysterically. "Pleeeassee Michael?!"

That's it. I knew what I had to do. I ran upstairs, and called the mental hospital. I said my mom was going CRAZY. They came right away. 

"Mom!" My eight year old voice said. "Your crazy, and going to a hospital for crazy people!" I yelled. My dad looked at me in shock.

"Hailey! What are you doing? Come to momma!" Angela whined. 

"No mom. Besides, they are here to take you already." I smirked.

The people took mom away as me and dad stood there. Dad married Shannon, who loved him truly and got a good job at a successful business.


"Hailey, darling please." She said sternly.

"No mom!! WHY ARE YOU COMING BACK!!! GO AWAYYY!!!!!!" I screamed. Two police officers came from behind and took her away. I saw Jake, Milly, Sean, and Luke all stand there with their arms crossed. 

I ran up to them and hugged them. They were my hero's. 

"Let's go eat! I'm STARVING!" Milly whined.

I giggled.

"Let's go eat!"

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