Chapter Nine- J-Jake?

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I tucked a flock of hair behind my ear as I replied with a thank you. I went inside the dressing room and changed into my prom dress. I was pretty uncomfortable with the dress, but I pulled the sleeves up to my shoulder. That made me feel more confident and secure. I put on the matching blue heals and buttoned the laces. I slowly pulled open the curtain to see Jake on his phone. 

"So, does this look good?" I asked. I saw him bluntly look up with a meh smile. I watched him as his eyes widened. He blushed a little and nodded before turning away and running to grab a tissue. I walked back into the changing room and changed into my pink top with blue shorts.

I met Jake at the counter for checking out. I saw a kind old lady working there, furiously typing. 

"Uh, hello?" I squeaked. The woman glared at me. 

"W-we would like to purchase these outfits." Jake said. The woman smirked, looked at the price tags, and said confidently, 

"Well, that would be 2,500 dollars." She said.

"What?!" I cried. I, I'm sorry, Jake we'll have to look somewhere els-" he clasped my mouth and handed her the cash.

The lady exclaimed and ran out of the store as fast as lightning. Meanwhile, I was still awestruck on what he had paid. I kept thinking about it. How could he afford this? How could any of us affo-

"Hailey! Hailey! Hello?" Someone cried. I snapped out of my fantasy. 

"Oh yea, sorry. What were you saying?" I asked while rubbing my neck.

"I was asking, would you like to eat dinner at Spairz Spaghetti?" Jake questioned.

"Yea. That would be great." I smiled. 

I looked up with a stern face. 

"Jake." I said.

"Uh huh"

"H-how could you afford to pay that price for those dresses!?" I cried 

"Well, because they were for you." 

I blushed really hard and looked away. The cold wind blew my rubber band out of my ponytail. My long, teal hair loosened as it blew in the breeze. I saw Jake glancing at me. 

"Man. I forgot my coat at home." I thought. As we kept walking, the wind blew colder and colder.

Jake took off his jacket and gently placed it on my shoulder. He smiled as we walked into the restaurant.

"Hi! Table for two please." He said.

"Coming right up!" 

I looked into his eyes as he sat down. He was so excited. He was looking around like he had never seen a restaurant before. He looked at me and smiled. And I felt something. Something important. Something that I can't desc-

"Jake wait up!" I called. I was running across the restaurant. Man this place was HUGE. 

We both ordered and had a great time. I was lost into his eyes and smile when he was talking about music, Drew and the Jomies, girls. When our bill came, I almost shrieked at the bill. 

"1,568 dollars!" I exclaimed. I was about to pull out my credit card from my purse, but I couldn't find it! Oh no! I was rummaging through my purse, digging through every pouch. I pulled it out at last. When I looked up, I saw Jake, wearing his mittens and light jacket. 

"What about the pay! Where did he go?!" I cried.

" I took care of it, Princess. Shall we go?"

We reached my house. I was walking with Jake. I was so flustered talking to him, like my knees felt like jello.

"Well, here we are." He said.


I took the keys out of my purse and unlocked the door.

"So, ready for tomorrow?" He asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I chuckled.

I was about to enter my house when I stopped.

"Jake." I said without turning around.


"T-thank you."

"No problem! My treat! You totally deserve it! See ya tomor-" 

I swiftly turned back around. I ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek. I looked him in the eye. Than turned around. 

He touched his cheek, smiled, and walked away. As I was walking inside. I was lost in thoughts.

This emotion so powerful. What was it?

Why was it attacking me?

Was it love?

It had to be.

Did that mean,



Jake Sterling?!

Authors note: hey y'all! Sorry for the long wait on chap nine! It's been a busy ride with middle school and just life itself. I've got exams and grades due. Also, I fell ill in the past week. I'm sorry again. But stay tuned for chapter 10! The action (and the love) is about to unfold. 

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