(Soul mate au pt.2)

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When you awoke the following day, a million thoughts filled your head. You were nervous, of course, I mean your soulmate rejected you, but how could you give up? You were hurt, obviously, and all you wanted to do was cry. But that could wait till later.

You ran around your room, struggling to find the perfect outfit until you just threw on a pair of jeans, a graphic tee, and some old chucks. Running down the steps, you nearly slammed into your mom, making her yelp in surprise.


"No, but people do say there's a resemblance!" You chirped, smiling as you skipped past her into the kitchen.

"Well, you're in a good mood..." Your mom smirked, her eyebrows raising as she watched you from the kitchen door, slowly crossing her arms.

"Nothing big just passed a quiz I thought I was gonna flunk...ya know!" You chuckled, shoving a piece of toast into your mouth to shut yourself up. You could be a terrible liar at times. 

"Uh-huh...okay...well good for you honey..." She raised her eyebrows slightly before she walked over and ruffled your hair, laughing as you swatted her hands away. "Hurry up before you're late!"

Your eyes widened as you cursed softly, kissing her cheek as you ran out the door, skateboard in hand.

"Bye Mom, love ya!"


You yelped as you flew through the streets, constantly picking up speed. Your stomach was erupting in butterflies as you felt yourself nearing the school. Any minute now you would lock eyes with Billy and you hoped to have your emotions in check.

With such loud thoughts and the background music you were playing, it was difficult to hear the loud engine or shouts of warnings before your mind focused on what was going on.

On the bright side, you made it to school, record time might I add. But, the dark side of the situation?

You were millimeters from Billy's moving car, and neither of you was slowing down.

In a matter of seconds, just enough time for you to put two and two together, you were already rolling across the hood of his car. You landed on the concrete, pain going across every nerve as you felt your skin break against the angry ground. You couldn't breathe, more like you couldn't feel yourself breathing due to all the air knocking itself out of your lungs instantly. 

You should've been mad, you should've been concerned about what you might've broken, but all you could focus on was the heat rushing to your face as you realized today wouldn't go as planned. 


Billy sat in his front seat, horror-stricken as Max gaped between him and you. She finally made the first move and jumped out of the car, a string of curses leaving her mouth as she joined the crowd to make sure you were okay. Billy took a deep breath in before he released his white knuckle grip on the wheel and opened his door. 

As he rounded around the hood of his car, his stomach dropped. His feet felt planted into the ground as he watched you laying on the ground surrounded by people. 

He watched as you sat up, blood pouring from every cut and gash you secured by his recklessness. Hell, you even had blood pouring from a gash on your head. 

But still, you looked up at him, your eyes met, and he couldn't even find a trace of animosity or anger. All he could see was the warmth you held for him.

Billy felt sick to his stomach.

He felt people push past him, waking him up from his trance as he pulled his gaze away from you. He could almost feel your disappointment, but he ignored it, ignored everything going through his veins that drew him to you. 

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now