let me love you pt.3

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*sorry it's short :( *

requested?: yes!!! by all of you lovely readers!!

warnings?: mentions of cheating, cursing, minimal cheese? and slapping

a//n: Hey! Im back, gonna update bunches because I haven't been fair to y'all! thank you for all your support and love!!


"(Y/n) please forgive me. I didn't mean for you to find out like this!"

You rolled your eyes, a huff leaving your lips. Steve was desperately trying to keep pace with you as you sauntered down the hallway. For a basketball player, he was pretty slow. 

"C'mon, don't be like this!" His hand latched onto your arm in eagerly, fingers digging into your skin. 


The sound ricocheted off the walls as the hallway quieted. You looked down on the floor to see Steve, eyes wide and mouth hanging open, holding his face as a bruise was starting to form.

"Did...did you just bitch slap m-"

His sentence was cut off as your foot kicked itself into his side, a grunt escaping his lips as he rolled over in pain. You slowly knelt down next to him, you face contorted into anger, as you spoke lowly into his ear.

"Don't you ever touch me again. If you even look my way, I'll make sure you won't be able to get up." With a sneer you stood up and casually made your way through the crowd of kids.

Your eyes gazed through the hall, searching for a familiar mess of blonde curls. Once you spotted them, you felt your heart begin to beat faster as you approached him.

You smiled as you saw him turn around, his eyes lighting up as a smiled graced his lips, his arms opening up for a hug.

"Hey there peach..." Billy trailed off as you instantly ran into him, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pressed your lips to his. "Woah! Eager today are we?" You felt him laugh against you, his arms instantly wrapping around your waist as he spun you softly.

"Nah, I just missed you...that's all..." You giggled as Billy rolled his eyes, his hand slipping into the back of your jean pocket as you both made your way out of the school.

"What was the ruckus I heard back there?" He questioned, eyebrow quirking as you smiled.

"Nothing. Just took care of a pest." You shrugged as you ran up towards Billy's car, instantly getting into your seat.

Billy smirked as he slipped into the drivers side, his eyes watching you as you eagerly began to talk about something that happened at school. Swiftly, he peeled out of the school parking lot and began driving with no destination in mind, just wanting to hear your voice for a little bit longer.

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now