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nope! lol

Story summary:
Billy takes you to one of Tina's parties, and leaves you unsupervised for a bit. When he finally finds you, things go south.

A bit of swearing, alcohol mentioning,  and stupid decisions being made.


Billy promised he'd stay by your side tonight. He swore it'd be only one drink, then you two would dip. One drink led to another, leaving you stuck in Tina's lake house.
Now here you were, pouting on the couch while your boyfriend defended his "Keg King" title.

"Yeah! That's how you do it!" He bellowed as he sprayed the crowd with beer, just like he did on Halloween night. You simply rolled your eyes and continued your pity party.
You watched as his eyes searched the area before they landed on you, narrowing as he sauntered up to you.

"Hey doll face," he smirked," Why the long frown?" You sighed before facing your boyfriend.

"Well doll face, we WERE supposed to leave a while ago. But due to other plans happening, here we are." You huffed, crossing your arms. You saw his facial expression turn to annoyance as he sighed dramatically.

"Well I'm sorry that you can be such a prude! Fucking live a little (Y/N)!" He slurred as he pushed your arm. He drunkenly swayed off into the crowd leaving you in shock.
You felt your nose tingle as you tried to fight off the angry tears heading your way.

"Fine. You want me to live a little? I can do that." You scrunched your face as you went and started to chug down a beer.
'Here we go...'


A groan escaped Billy's lips as he splashed his face with water. It was nearly 2 a.m. and he was finally sobered up.

"Holy shit.." He whispered as he saw how tired he looked. He sighed as he left the restroom, continuing his search for you. He remembered his words, now, while they were harsh, they were true. You had a tendency to keep in your shell, and all Billy wanted was to push you out of it a little.

Billy brushed past crowds of dancing bodies looking for you. If he didn't know better, he would've thought you left, but you wouldn't do that. You hated walking, let alone walking by yourself.
He scanned the room carefully before catching sight of Tommy and Carol
dancing in the corner.

"Hey, shithead!" Tommy's eyes shot up at Billy's voice, immediately perking up as Billy made his way over to him.
"Have you seen (Y/N)? I haven't been able to catch her all night."
He quirked an eyebrow as Tommy and Carol shared a nervous look before Tommy spoke.

"Well man, she..she's totally shitfaced right now." He sputtered out, booze dripping from his words. Billy felt his heart throb as he got closer to Tommy.

"What do you mean?" Billy's voice got low as he grabbed Tommy by the collar. The idea of you walking around here blackout drunk made his stomach flip nervously.

"W-Well I-" Billy released Tommy as he heard loud hollering coming from the stairway.

"Well, I guess you found her." Carol murmured as she saw Tommy's attention drift away from her.

Billy scrambled towards the crowd, pushing past the drunk and screaming teens. He made it into an open area, only for his heart to stop as soon as he saw you.
There you were, red solo cup in hand, balancing off the banister on the stairs, preparing to jump.

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now