Like Real People Do

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**inspired by song above**

nope lol, but I am open for requests!

some fluff, a lil bit of feelings, and happiness :)

hope you enjoy!


"You're so beautiful." You sighed as you gazed at Billy. The sunlight that poured through your curtains highlighted his features, making him look even more godly than he already was. Your fingers twisted with his curls as they gently massaged his head, a light smile playing on both of your lips.

Billy's piercing eyes gazed at you lazily, his eyebrow twitching up ever so softly.

"How so?" His signature smirk ghosted his face, his body laying across yours lightly. You felt your cheeks go pink as you realized you had to explain yourself.

"Well," you started,"First off, you have gorgeous blue eyes. Every time the sun hits them, they twinkle like sapphires!" Billy watched your gaze go somewhere else as you went into your rant, a light glow lighting up your features.
"Another thing is your freckles!" You giggled as Billy's eyes widened, his mouth twitching in a smile.

"What do you mean by "freckles" Dollface?"

A sigh left your lips as you gently caressed his cheekbones. "What I mean is that your freckles, while they may be faint, give you a sense of innocence. It's golden." Your fingers gently poked his face, the same smile from before growing ever so slightly.

"What else?" It came out as a whisper while Billy concentrated on you, his interest peaking even higher.

"If I said anymore, we'd be here for eternity." You tilted your head as he groaned, throwing himself on his back besides you.

"(Y/N), my sweet, sweet, Peach! You can't just keep me on a string like this!" He threw his hands up in exaggeration, earning a giggle from you.

"Fine, fine! I'll tell you one more thing! But then we have to continue our cuddles!" You demanded, causing Billy to poke his head up violently, his curls bouncing wildly. You patted Billy's head as you gently relaxed into your comfy spot.

"You gonna spill or what?" Billy half smiled, his eyes crinkling at the edges.

You felt your heart clench as you gazed at him, all of him.
"One of the many things I love about you, that I believe makes you so undeniably beautiful, is your soul." You finished as Billy scrunched his face up.

"My soul? What does that mean?" Billy didn't understand, he was confused beyond compare, but your expression shut up his smart remarks. He watched your eyes glaze over as you stared at him adorningly, your hands gently grasping his face as you really looked at him in a way no one has before.

"Billy," you sighed as you blinked away incoming tears,"Your soul, has to be one of the most damaged souls I have ever seen. You have been through so much. You've been thrown into hell and back, yet here you are infront of me. Smiling, laughing, and being the best you. Not only that, you're fixing it. Not for me, or Max, or for anyone else in your life except yourself. You want to be better, and you want to change. It's going to take time, but you'll do it. Because your damaged and broken soul wants to be healed. And that, in itself, is so beautiful. You are, therefore, beautiful Billy Hargrove."

You didn't even notice the stray tears falling down your face until Billy gently swiped them away with the pad of his thumb. His eyes were glassed over, an unreadable expression in his eyes as they grazed over you. You saw a lump form in his throat as his lower lip trembled slightly.

"I love you (Y/N)," his eyes danced between your own as he continued,
"God, I am so undoubtedly in love with you...I think I'm obssessed." He chuckled lightly, causing you to chuckle with him.

"Good news for you Hargrove, I love you too." You bit your lip as he pulled you into his chest, your bodies tangling together.

Whispers of giggles and sweet nothings filled the air as you two laid against one another. It was hard being Billy's girl sometimes, with his harsh attitude and wicked ways, but moments like these that made it all worthwhile.


hey guys! Sorry bout the ending, I'm really bad at writing those lol, but I hoped you guys liked this one!

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now