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requested: yes! @nivieera 

summary: (Y/N) is the new student at Hawkins High. From her pink 1980s Ferrari to her wild hair, she's got everyones attention, especially a specific blue eyed keg king. (Y/N) hopes to hid her home life from Billy, but fate may have other plans. ((PT.1))

warnings: Cursing, smoking? (I think that's it!)

A//N: Hey, sorry this took so long! I plan to update the other parts I have and to make this into more. I might change this part bc some of it doesn't sound right, but idk! 

Lemme know what you guys think please!

Once again thank you for your patience and for being such a supportive community! I'll be updating more shortly!


*(e/c)= eye color


"Class! We have a new student joining us today! Let's give them a nice and warm welcome!" 

The echoing of steps filled the classroom as she walked in, the quiet silence broke as gasps filled the room. In the doorway stood a girl with wild hair going in every direction, her (e/c) eyes lazily examining the room. One hand held a jean jacket, the other was simply resting on her hip as a smirk felt upon her pink lips.

The girl nonchalantly made her way to the front, hypnotizing everyone with her swaying hips. In one swivel, she was facing the class, an irresistible smile was placed on her lips as she looked over her peers.

"Why don't you introduce yourself darling?" 

With a slight huff, she rolled her eyes, her tongue lightly skimming her lips before she began.

"Greetings and Salutations," her slim fingers waved to the crowd, their eyes following her every movement," the name's (Y/N)."

For a split second her eyes met a pair of curious blue ones, and a smirk fell upon her lips once again. 

"I look forward to getting to know you all~..." 

With that, she strutted to the empty seat by the window, and plopped down, resting her head onto the palm of her hand.


(Y/N)'s POV:

Different sets of eyes followed me as I walked to my most prized possession in the world, my baby pink Ferrari. I felt myself relax slightly as I crossed the lot, my sweet relaxation only a few feet away...until I felt a hand fall onto of my shoulder.

I spun around only to meet a pair of brown eyes surrounded by a face of freckles.

"Hey there," he purred, his eyes already peeling away my clothes as he looked me up and down, "Name's Tommy Hagan, you're (Y/N) right?" 

I felt a smirk fall upon my lips as I fluttered my lashes at him, my hand gently grabbing onto his.

"Touch me again and I'll cut your dick off...got it?" My smirk grew as I watched his eyes widen momentarily before they were filled with lust once more.

"Playing hard to get? C'mon babe, let's just cut to the chase-you want me, I know you do."

I groaned softly, before turning all the way around and walking off, leaving him in the dust.

"Hey! Don't be a prude!" He yelled as he reached for my hand. In one swift movement, my foot met his crotch and he instantly toppled over, a string of curses escaping his lips.

"You...fucking..bitch!" He groaned out, his hands cradling his valuables as he rolled on the ground. 

"I'd rather be a bitch than a disgusting sleeze-ball like you." I sneered, looking across the lot to find the blue eyed boy and his group looking over at us. One in particular, a red headed girl, came storming over, her fists clenched as her eyes held disgust. 

"Hate to break it to ya Tommyboy, but it looks like your chick has her panties in a twist." I lightly kicked dirt at him as I turned away, a smile gracing my lips as I heard their fight begin. 

Hopping into my car, I quickly peeled out of the lot, taking notice of the smirking blue eyes watching me.


I watched as a cloud of smoke swirled and twisted into the cold October air, the cool wind rubbing against my exposed skin. My cigarette burned my finger, causing me to hiss and curse lightly before stomping it out and hastily lighting another.

I closed my eyes as I inhaled the nicotine, the moment almost relaxing and calming my nerves.

"Hey." I turned at the call, annoyance clear on my face, only to meet deep blue eyes. Annoyance quickly turned into curiosity as I watched him lean against the wall to my left, his hands fiddling through his back pockets. 

"Hello." I smirked softly as I analyzed him. He was almost a jock, but not quite. There was an off vibe coming from him, but it was nearly intoxicating the longer he stayed next to me. 

"Names Billy, you're (Y/N) yeah? I have you in English." He said, his voice stating matter-of-factly. Finally, he pulled out a cigarette, fiddling it between his fingers before he raised his eyes to mine, a glint of amusement behind his orbs. "Got a light?" 

Nodding to him, I pulled out my lighter and lit his cigarette, no words were further exchanged.

It continued like that for next few weeks, we'd meet at the same spot during our breaks, before and after school, then go through the same routine. Slowly, we started chatting more and more, talking about the insignificant things while also keeping each other company. I felt myself becoming closer to him, my walls slowly crumbling away, while I hoped he felt the same.

It was nice to be around someone who didn't want you for just your body, it was nice knowing that someone actually understood me without knowing my whole story.

 I wanted to keep it that way for Billy, and not let him see how fucked up I was.

Fate had other plans though...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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