Lie to me

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You kept your eyes cast down, your hands fiddling with each other. The air in the car felt tense as Billy waited for your response.

"(Y/N)?" He questioned softly, yet you still flinched. You sighed as you lifted your head and rested it against your seat. You gazed at Billy through half-lidded eyes, pushing away the build-up of tears.

"Can you say something? Anything?" Billy pleaded, his nerves going through the roof. He expected your response to be different. Anger? Of course. Sadness? He expected you to be bawling! What Billy didn't expect was the blankness you gave off.

Your eyes trailed from his face and looked at your surroundings. Billy had pulled over from the road and stopped halfway to your house. Trees towered over you, their branches swaying lightly in the breeze. Bits and pieces of the sky pierced through the trees as it turned from blue to purple and even pink. It would've been beautiful in any other situation, but for right now it just soured your mood.

"What do you want me to say Billy?" Your body cringed at how lifeless your voice sounded, but you couldn't help it.  "What more do you want?"

Billy licked his lips cautiously, his eyes scanning your figure. "Yell at me, scream even. Just please don't stare at me with those dead eyes." Immediately your eyes flashed to his, and you felt your heart clench so fiercely it hurt.

"I'm sorry Billy that I cant give you more than what I can right now. I guess I'm still processing it." You huffed, your eyes blinking away tears. "Can you blame me though?"

"God (Y/N)! I cheated okay! I fucking cheated on you! And this is how you're reacting, honestly?" You winced as Billy yelled, his palms slamming against the wheel. You knew he wasn't truly mad, it was just an expression of how scared he was and of the guilt he felt. But of course, you knew him better than anyone. That's what made you guys such a great couple. Or so you thought.

"They were right you know. Everyone was right..." You shook your head your eyes casting back down to your heads.
Billy looked at you in confusion, though he already knew what you meant.

"When we first started to date, everyone warned me. My parents, my friends, hell even Mike and his group. But I fought against it. I knew you weren't what everyone thought you were, there was more to Billy Hargrove that met the eye. And for a while, I was right. And then, you blew it all away. You tossed away all of our time together, all of our memories, for some blonde bimbo who looked at you differently." Your eyes shot up and glared at him. 

You felt a fire in your chest as you glared, your hands flying to the door, ready to open at any second. 

"I-I guess you didn't love me as much as I loved you." 

You got out of the car, Billy calling your name, grabbing at your hands, trying desperately to stop you. All you did was walk. You kept walking even as he got out of his car and tried to bring you back. 

You kept your head held high until you got home. 

Then you broke down. 

As soon as the door closed, sobs erupted from your mouth, echoing throughout the house. The pain was overwhelming but you welcomed it. You'd rather feel the pain than nothing at all.

Slowly, you made your way to the stairs, each step taken was labored. As soon as you crossed the threshold of your door, you felt your knees give out. Shutting the door, you laid yourself down, feeling the soft carpet underneath you, comforting you in a way.

Sobs racked your body while your arms held you together. You were so glad your parents were out on a business trip. You didn't have the strength to explain anything to anyone right now. 

The fact that Billy cheated hurt. It hurt like hell. But what dug the knife into your heart was the realization that somewhere, at some point, Billy didn't want you. 

He didn't choose you when it mattered the most. 

Instead, he forgot about you and allowed himself to be swayed by a different chick.

That night you cried yourself to sleep. 


You woke up, your body aching and your head pounding. With a sigh, you looked at your clock, 6 a.m.

Slowly, you got up, went into the bathroom, and just stood under the hot water. You felt like you were melting, the heat was intense, but you didn't care. You would rather feel this than the pain that was in your chest.

Sighing you left the comfort of your shower, getting dressed comfily. You didn't plan on going anywhere today. All you wanted was to lay in your bed, surrounded by your music and junk food. 

That plan got smashed the minute you heard banging on your door. 

"For fucks sake!" You ran downstairs and threw the front door open, ready to beat the crap out of whoever was interrupting your pity party.

That was until you saw Dustin's goofy grin from behind the screen followed by the rest of the group's greetings. 


Jesus, can the day get any rougher? 

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now