What A Mess pt.2

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requested: yes! By all you lovely people!

summary: After defeating the Mind Flayer, life is able to go back to normal for you and Billy....until it takes a turn for the worst.

warnings: horrible amounts of fluff, cheesey-ness, romance, kissy stuff, sadness, and semi-risk?

A//N: hey guys! So a pt.2 was requested a while ago and i never got around to making one until now. It's slightly rushed but i hope you guys enjoy it! Also thank you so much for all your love and support! Your comments make me laugh :)


*this song :') *


Hawkins finally felt peaceful.

The Mind Flayer was finally defeated by Eleven, which left the whole group at ease.

You were as happy as you could be, knowing that everyone could get their lives back on track, especially you and Billy.


"Billy Hargrove I swear if you throw me in I will make your life miserable!" You glared at the male as he chuckled, instantly setting you down.

"Peach, you know I love seeing you we-"

"That's enough!" You yelped as you reached to cover his mouth, his laughter ringing throughout the warm night air.

You smirked slightly as you thought of a plan. Slowly, you took your hands off of his mouth and trailed them down his chest lightly. You felt him freeze up, his eyes going slightly wide for a second. You looked up at him, fluttering your eyes before you began to walk around him slowly, your hands still trailing all over his body.

"What?" You asked innocently, your eyes catching his before you looked away.

"Well, Peach if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me."

A soft smirk fell upon your lips as you stopped behind him, your hands gently traveling up and down his back.

You slowly stooped up to his ear, brushing it lightly with your lips.

"Guess again."

You cackled as you pushed him, his body tumbling into the cold pool with a small yelp. You watched his head blob up to the surface, a glare evident on his face.

"You little minx!" He cursed, a smile breaking through his features.

You laughed as you dove in after him, your body coming up right in front of him as he waited for you.

"I didn't know I was dating a mermaid." Billy smiled as he brushed your wet hair back.

"C'mon Billy, we've been swimming together since forever, you gotta know by now that I'm a water gal."

"Exactly! That's why you love being we-"

"Stop it!" You giggled as you pushed him under, his arms instantly dragging you with him.

You smiled at him as you watched his hair fan out, the moon from above gave him a gentle blue glow. Your heart clenched as you swam into Billy, instantly wrapping your arms around him as you looked deep into his eyes.

His lips gently pressed against yours, before you both started to kiss. You felt all your air bubbles escape as you two continued. A few seconds later, both of you pulled away and pushed yourselves to the top, gulping down air as you both returned to the surface.

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now