If only you listened pt.2

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requested?: yes! Thank you to those who wished to see a second part!

story summary: After the incident, you distanced yourself from Billy. You hope and pray that he'll come back to you and apologize, but nothing happens. Until late one night.

warnings: cursing, mentions of abusive incident, sadness and a little bit of fluff?

A//N: Hey guys!!! Sorry this part took so long! I have an announcement:

I'm writing a new book! It's a Haikyuu Oneshots series, and I hope you guys will check it out!

Also!!! Thank you for almost 6k reads!! I honestly appreciate the time you guys put into reading my works!

Anywho, stay safe and healthy my loves!💞


Headlights flooded your bedroom window before passing by, the rumble of its engine fading down the dark street. Your eyes blinked sleepily as you fought back a yawn. Your mind was racing with thoughts causing you to gain no headway on sleep. Of course, those thoughts were centered around one specific person.

You hadn't spoken to Billy since the incident, and you felt hollow inside. You knew you shouldn't forgive him, hell you shouldn't even be thinking of him right now, but after everything you still missed him. You missed the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, the smell of cigarettes flooding your nose, his smile, his laugh, his eyes, him.

No matter how much you missed Billy though, you couldn't bring yourself to face him. Deep down in your heart you knew he should be the one apologizing, he was in the wrong after all, but you had a feeling that wouldn't happen any time soon. Billy wasn't the type to grovel, not even for someone he loved.

Although your room was dark, the beams of moonlight peaking through your curtains allowed you to see some objects. A few posters here and there on the wall, your vanity that held your makeup, books, and pencils. On the mirror were taped polaroids of your friends, family, and Billy. The ache in your chest grew as you noticed how he was everywhere. You saw him in the jackets you "borrowed," his rings, his notes-

Your eyes widened as you sat up, your heart aching even more than before. Slowly you walked over to your desk besides your door and picked up the notes, careful not to drop them. They were from all the way back when you and Billy first started dating. You guys were watching a movie together and as soon as you saw the male lead giving notes to his girl, you couldn't stop blushing over how cute it was. Obviously it was a slight hint to Billy, but you believed he was too macho to try anything like that.
Until a couple days later a note fell from your locker:

I saw you walking in the halls today between 4th and 5th. I couldn't help but stare. You are drop dead gorgeous babe! Can't believe you're mine!
~Billy Hargrove

Chuckling, you picked up another note from the stack, one that seemed more recent than the last one you read:

Did you know that when you smile, you have two little dimples that pop up? I noticed it the other day and I couldn't stop staring. You just so damn perfect, how did someone like you end up with a jackass like me?
~Billy Hargrove

You picked up one after the other, reading each note carefully. You didn't know when, but at some point you started crying. With wet eyes you picked up the last note, and you read it through stifled sobs:

Honestly, how are you so kind? No matter what shit I put you through, you always are so understanding and forgiving. It throws me off. I feel so horrible when I'm not with you. You take all my pain away Peach. You're my little piece of paradise in the middle of an unforgiving ocean. I never, ever want to lose you.
Love, Billy Hargrove

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now