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nope, lol

Billy comes over to your house after you receive a disturbing call from him late one night.

❌❌SPOILERS for Season 3❌❌


"(Y/N) honey! Someone wants to talk to you!" You heard you mother call from downstairs, your eyebrow quirking as you lazily got up.

'Who would call at this hour?'

As you faced your mother, butterflies errupted in your stomach. Her face looked mildly concerned as her eyebrows knitted together. "It's Billy..." She whispered as she passed the phone towards you. Instantly she darted down the hall into her room, thankful to get out of the tension filled air.

"Hello?" Your voice was quiet as you waited for Billy to speak.

"(Y/N)!? Baby?" Billy sounded frantic, his voice was wavering as he yelled over the phone.

"I-I'm right here! Billy, are you ok?" Your nerves spiked as you heard his breathing pick up, static breaking on the line.

"Peach, I-I need to come over...right now."

"Wait, what? Billy-"

"Baby, please!" His voice begged, making your fingers knit through the chord.

"Billy, of course you can come over, I just want to make sure you're fine..." You felt a lump in your throat as he sighed.

"I'll...I'll explain when I get there..."

"O-Ok...see you soon..."

"See you soon."

"Love you..." You smiled as you heard an airy chuckle.

" you too (Y/N)..."

And with that, the call ended.

You heard you mother silently open her door, her footsteps ghosting their way over to you.

"What's going on?" Her voice was gently as she gazed at you. You knew your face looked nowhere near calm, and as you faced her, your stomach dropped.

"I-I don't know! He wouldn't explain to me. Oh momma, he sounded so-so frantic!" You tugged at your hair slightly as your mother rushed towards you.

"Hush, will all work out sweetie." Your mother held you as she gently swayed you side to side.

"Momma, I'm sorry...he said he needed to come over, and I said he could. Is that alright?" You glanced up at her slightly, her arms tightening around you.

She bit her lip softly, her eyes glazing over as she thought over what you said.
"Of course (Y/N), but I don't want any funny bussiness." She tried to sound as stern as possible, but her voice held a kind lightness to it.

"I don't think any of this is going to be funny momma." You smiled sadly at her as she kept hugging you, her hand gently caressing your hair.

At that moment, the doorbell went off, followed by some soft yet quick knocking. Your mother glanced to the door before holding your head between her hands.

"You'll be fine sweetie, I'm here if you need me." You nodded as she released you, quietly going into her room and closing the door.

You swiftly ran to the door, opening it without hesitation. What you saw made you freeze.

Billy looked terrified, his eyes were wide and glancing everywhere. His face was littered with cuts, a big gash was caking his face in blood. As soon as he saw you, he rushed into your arms,picking you up slightly as he engulfed you.

You gently squeezed back, tugging him inside as soon as your feet touched the ground. "C'mon, let's clean you up." You gave him a tight smile, brushing hair away from his face.

He shook his head, his matted curls slightly bouncing. "C-Can we just go upstairs...please?"

You bit your lip as you nodded gently, not trusting your voice. You gently lead him to your room, softly closing the door after he got in. You felt his hand gently tug you towards your bed and you let him, confused beyond hell.

You laid down, letting Billy climb on top of you, gently laying down on your chest. You combed your hand through his hair, your heart dropping as you hears soft sobs coming from him.

"Billy?" You called quietly, feeling him gripping onto you tighter. "Baby, you need to tell me whats going on."

He gently sat up on his elbows, his gaze holding yours. Your chest tightened as you watched his eyes glaze over with tears.

"I-I don't know!" He cried as he jumped up, startling you. "I don't even know
(Y/N)!" He was pacing now, throwing his hands in the air as he yelled. All you could do was sit there and listen, your emotions too rattled to react.

"I...nothing feels right (Y/N)..." Billy's voice cracked as he hugged himself, his eyes squeezing together. You rushed to him instantly, holding him as you both sunk to the ground.

"Billy, baby, what happened tonight?" You whispered, tears making you choke on your voice. "Can you tell me?"

Your heart dropped as Billy shook his head softly, his glassy eyes meeting yours. He opened his mouth, instantly closing it again. A whimper left his lips as he clung to you tighter, his eyes squeezing shut almost as if he was in pain.

"Shhh honey, let's just lay down, alright?" He nodded, following you to your bed. You laid down, letting him crawl in, almost instantly having your body pulled into his own.

"I love you (Y/N), you know that right?"

You nodded as you caressed his face.

"I know, I love you too Billy. You know that right?" You smiled as he chuckled sadly, his eyes crinkling slightly.

"I know baby, I know." And with that you both were enveloped in silence.

You lulled yourself to sleep while combing through Billy's locks, promising yourself that this would all turn out okay.

Oh, how wrong you were...


hey guys! I hope you like this one! I think I'll do a part 2 for this, but I don't know yet. Thank you for reading!

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now