If only you listened

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You and Billy get into an argument that turns bad really quickly.

Mentions of blood, cuts, swearing and slight abuse?

Hey guys I'm back! Sorry for being gone for so long. I might make a part 2 if you guys like it, so just comment to lmk! 💘


"Billy, please calm down.." Your eyes followed Billy as he paced your kitchen. His fists were clenched as he angrily stomped around, his footsteps causing your cabinets to rattle softly.

"Don't 'Baby' me right now (Y/N)." He said sternly, his eyes snapping toward your face. "I'm in no fucking mood."

You gulped lightly, your fists gripping your shirt and twisting it. There was no denying it, you were terrified of Billy right now. In your heart, you knew he would never hit you, but your head wasn't listening to your heart right now. Your head was putting you in full panic mode.
"Billy, please just listen to me. I swear to God I didn't choose to be Steve's partner. He was the only other person the teacher could assign me to." You stated as calm as you could.

Billy stopped for a second and chuckled, a very low and dark chuckle.
"Are you fucking serious? 'He's the only other person'?" You flinched as Billy mocked you, your hands wounding your shirt tighter together. "I can't believe you would use such a lame excuse! It's obvious why you chose him." Billy snarled. He stopped pacing, which would have been good if there wasn't the fact that he was facing you. Instantly you were reminded of nature documentaries where the lion trapped his prey, and the audience could see how utterly helpless the prey looked before it was torn apart. Now you were the prey, and Billy was the lion.

"W-Why would I choose to be Steve's partner after everything that's happened?" You cursed your stutter, blinking away on coming tears that threatened to spill. "Baby, please believe me.."

"God, just shut the fuck up (Y/N)! You sound so pathetic trying to cover up your intentions!" You let out a small scream as Billy pushed items off of your counter, causing glasses to crash and hit the ground. "Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?" Billy cursed as he broke more glasses. You eyes were over flowing with tears as you realized how dire the situation was. You never noticed how much the topic of Steve bothered Billy until now, but it was too late to bring him down from his high of destruction.

"Billy stop!" You cried as you ran to stop his punch from hitting any of the cabinets. You hung off his arm, his strength was too much but you tried. "Please Billy!"

"Get off me!" Billy shouted as he pushed you. He meant for it to be a light shove, but with his anger it turned out he did more than that. Not only did he push you away, he pushed you straight into all the broken glass, knocking your head against your dining room table in the process.

You felt a shriek leave your lips as you fell, and then all you knew was pain. It flared from your head all the way down to your arms into your side. It was everywhere and it was stabbing. Your eyes were glossy with tears as you tried to get into a comfortable position but nothing worked.

Billy watched, frozen in horror at what he just did. "(Y-Y/N)..love.." He called softly as he took a step towards your crumpled figure.

"No!" Your scream ripped through your throat as you scrambled away, the glass digging deeper into your body.

Billy couldn't do anything to stop the tears from flowing as he watched you. He felt a heavy guilt weighing him down as he realized what he did. If only he listened, calmed down enough to hear your side maybe things would've been different. But no, he went and fucked everything up like usual.
"(Y/N) baby...it's okay, I'm calm now.." He croaked as he gently walked over and reached his hand out to you. His heart broke as he watched you gaze up at him in fear and anger.

"Don't fucking touch me Hargrove."

"B-Baby please-"

"Get out of my house!" You cried, causing Billy to stop. "I-I don't want to be with you right now.." You winced and held your side. You never cursed but you needed your point made. You struggled to get up, gripping the wall as you felt slightly faint. You stumbled up your stairs and into your bathroom where you locked the door and started to patch yourself up.

Billy stood still the whole time. He watched you walk away from him. Reality hit him hard, and he couldn't help but to break down slightly.
He looked around at the chaos he caused, his anger flaring slightly before it turned into guilt and utter sadness. He began to pick up the broken glass, wincing as some cut his fingers.

Once he finished he walked to the edge of your stairs, wishing he could just go up there and hug you. But the faint sounds of you sobbing stopped him. He finally turned around and left, his heart heavy and filled with guilt knowing there was no coming back from this day.

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now