Midnight Love

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requested: nope :)

summary: you decide to break things off with Billy after realizing where you stand in his life.

warnings: angst, sad stuff, mentions of sex, mild language, anger

A//N: hey guys!! Sorry for such slow updates, school registration is kicking my butt :(

Good news tho! I have 2 requests in the works rn! Those should be up soon!

Hopefully you like this little angst!

Thank you all!!!

*please listen to the song, it's so good :) *


Pain fluttered in your chest as you watched him.

His arms were around another as his lips found her neck, her hands gently grasping his shoulders as he continued to gently nibble her soft spot. Disgust filled you as you watched her moan slightly, the people surrounding them cheering. A smirk was on his lips as gently basked in the praise, his head lifting itself up as his eyes scanned the crowd.

To him, it was just another fling, a one night stand. To you, it was as if the world was falling apart beneath your feet.

"You coming (Y/n)?" You nodded as you softly blinked away your tears, your hand finding your friend's as you turned your back on Billy Hargrove.


Soft tapping echoed throughout your room, stirring you from your sweet slumber.

You groggily sat up as you rubbed your eyes, before quietly clambering to your window.

Pulling the curtains back, you fought back a scowl as you saw who was sitting on the other side.

In an instant your window was slid open, allowing Billy to come through.

You stood off to the side, holding yourself gently. Your eyes avoided him as he sauntered into the room, his eyes watching you as he waited for you to run into his arms like always.

"Something wrong Peach?"

"Don't call me that..." Your voice was barely above a whisper, but Billy heard you loud and clear.

"What do you mean?" He chuckled softly, his arms opening as he reached to pull you into him. Swiftly you pulled away from his touch, avoiding his advances.

"Peach?" His voice was laced with worry, his hands clenching and unclenching as he watched you.

Lifting your head you finally met his gaze. Your eyes were glossed with unshed tears as your fingernails dug into your arms.

"I can't do this anymore Billy." His eyes widened slightly, before narrowing down, his gaze harsher than before.

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"I can't be your midnight love anymore Billy! You may be fine with us being together like this, but I'm not.

Do you know how much it kills me to see you with a different girl everyday, knowing that you only come to me after you screwed her?"

"I still come to you though! I always come back (Y/n)!"

A humorless laugh left your lips, your nose tingling as a fresh wave of tears hit you.

"It doesn't work like that Billy..."

"Explain then! You're not making any sense. You were fine a few nights ago!"

"I can't be second best any more Billy. Don't you see? Your silver is my gold. I give you everything, and I honestly thought you were going to be mine.

You were too bright that I didn't see the damage you were causing...I was blind Billy. Now I see where I stand, and it breaks my heart.

I love you Billy Hargrove. I can't be be this close to someone who doesn't love me. It's unfair."

You don't know when, but tears were cascading down your face, leaving shimmering trails in the moonlit room. Billy's face was ghost white, his jaw was slightly ajar as he stared at you. You watched as he blinked, his mind racing behind his captivating blue eyes.

Quietly, he made a move towards you, causing you to step back once more.

"Please, just leave."

You watched as he blinked harshly, his lips pressing in a firm line as disbelief crossed his face.

"You're not gonna hear me out? Peach?"

You heart wrenched at the name, your tears thickening as you hugged yourself tighter.

"No matter what you say, it's all gonna be bullshit. Just leave, please..." You trailed off, your body shunning him away.

You waited until you heard his footsteps go towards your window, up your windowsill, and out onto the roof. You waited until you heard the rev of his Camaro start, the sound echoing down the street as he drove away swiftly.

You waited until it was silent before you felt yourself crash onto your bed, your sobs echoing throughout the semi empty room. The dam behind your eyes broke as your sobbing racked your chest painfully. Your hands clung onto the space just above your heart, trying your best to extinguish the pain.

It was over, whatever relationship you had with Billy was finally over.

You knew that behind all this pain, happiness was going to follow. No matter how long it took.

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now