Let Me Love You pt.2

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requested: yes! By all you lovely people! I was surprised by how much you guys wanted a pt.2!

summary: after something slightly shocking happens, Billy comforts you in your desperate time of need.

warnings: slight cursing, mentions of sex/cheating, break downs, crying, sadness, cheesy cute stuffs, slightly OC Billy and Steve

A//N: hey guys! Sorry this took so long! Thank you so much for all your support. I hope you like this, i tried really hard to make this one good too, but I don't know how to feel about it. I hope you all love it! Thank you.

*song has nothing to do with this, I just imagine this is how Billy feels about (Y/N) :) *



Your voice broke through the sex filled air, bringing the two people in the room back down from cloud nine.

You watched as Nancy scrambled to cover herself, her eyes avoiding you at all costs. Steve was stringing out curses as if he was trying to strangle you with his words.

Your chest felt heavy as his footsteps made their way towards you. Looking him in the face, you saw all the emotions he was feeling: anger, slight regret, maybe even sadness.

"(Y/N), listen I-"

"I'm done."

Your eyes locked with Steve's. You wanted him to see how hurt you were, you wanted him to feel it.
You gave one last glance to Nancy, who still hadn't looked up.

"You both really deserve each other." You snarled before leaving, your footsteps echoing through the semi-empty house.

The rev of your engine surrounded the quiet neighborhood as you sped out of sight. Your heart was hammering as you drove to the other side of Hawkins.
Your grip on the steering wheel never loosened, not even when you peeled into Billy's driveway and blasted your horn.

You watched as a figure scrambled throughout the house before finally Billy's image appeared.

His hair was a tangled mess, his clothes were disheveled, and his eyes were puffy with sleep.

He stumbled towards the passenger side, confusion drawn on his face.

"(Y/N)? What's up?"

You felt your chest flare with pain, your eyes were barely holding back your tears.


"Do you know how late it is Peach?" Billy sighed, his ability to read the atmosphere was clouded by sleep.

"Billy either get in the damn car or go back inside!" You growled through clenched teeth. You watched out of your peripheral as Billy instantly stood up straight, before climbing in, his eyebrows now drawn in concern.

"Peach?" Billy's voice was drowned out by your engine as you ran your car out of there.

Billy's hand instantly latched onto the armrest, an anxious feeling climbing up into his chest as he watched your abnormal behavior. He watched as you recklessly drove the empty streets, the speed continuously going up as you kept pushing your foot down on the gas.

He watched your face, noticing how scrunched up it was. Anger was evident, but he couldn't pin what had happened.

"(Y/N)? Peach, what's wrong?" He called softly, his eyes trying to catch yours.

You kept your gaze on the road, knowing that if you looked at Billy you would break down completely.

"I...It's just-"

Billy Hargrove x Reader Oneshots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now