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The young boy gasped at the scene that unwrapped before his innocent eyes. His fingers curled so tight around the door frame that his knuckles turned a ghostly white.

   What...were they doing?

  The young child told himself to quickly return to the safety of his bed and demolish all the filthy scenes he witnessed, but his feet refused to cooperate.

   Move! Why won't they move? Just like Dr Seuss said: You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you chose!

  However he did not seem to be going anywhere.

  "Enough," He heard his mother protest weakly but his dad seemed to not hear.

  "⁰What if Doyoung wakes up?" His mother protested furthermore, and his dad eventually released her from the sexual torment as she heaved in relief. Doyoung froze when he heard his name. Fortunately, his feet did not freeze and he scurried to his bed and pulled the covers over him, still in a daze. He fell asleep confused.

✕ …*!🌿ˇ,°·✐¹²⁷

“No,” Doyoung replied darkly, his face buried in the crook of his arm, eyes studying the confident lad before him.
Taeyong clenched his teeth and felt his hand fold into a fist, debating whether this was one of the emo kids or something else. “Honey, can you move your bag over?” Taeyong said sweetly through gritted teeth.

  “You have functioning hands,” Doyoung hissed a reply, snuffling his face deeper into his elbow crook. Taeyong scrunched his face in disdain as he shoved the others' denim bag in the empty space between their tables, making room for himself.

  Taeyong stacked his textbooks on the sturdy table while studying the time table in his hand: Orientation week. Taeyong was satisfied, a whole week to become the school's heartthrob.
He felt no need to even try.

  He was mature, responsible, kind. In his opinion, he was boyfriend material. He was very much a teenager but had retained his child-like perception and thinking when it came to work, stress, rejection and domination of the other party.

  However, he had a surprising experience in the field of heart-breaks, crushes, dates, partners.

  Moving all the way to Seoul meant leaving his beautiful, perfect life behind, all the fame and adoration.

  It was fine. He, Lee Taeyong, will win the hearts of everyone with ease.

  He turned to the classroom window and smirked at the crowd of a few girls squealing at the corridor- squealing about how such a hot boy ended up in such a prestigious school for nerds.

He threw them a wink and turned back to face his class. His seat was next to the window, a good view of his flawless face for all those who passed, earning himself shy glances and muffled whispers.

  Having enough of the squealing bunch, he shifted his attention to his deskmate who was sprawled across the table. His silver rimmed glasses balancing preciously on his nose. “Aren't you hot?”' He noticed the long-sleeved jacket the older had wrapped around him despite the fact that both of them were at the back of the class, next to the heater.

  Doyoung lifted his head from the table and narrowed his eyes at Taeyong. “I chose what to wear.”'

  Taeyong mumbled under his breath, 'Feisty Bitch ' but fortunately, Doyoung had placed his radar on something else- his pencil, looking deep in thought.

✕ …*!🌿ˇ,°·✐¹²⁷

I hope this chapter was enjoyable:

another thought of the day:

another thought of the day:

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