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“ONE KISS IS ALL IT TAKES!” The group sang in unison. Taeyong and Doyoung sat next to each other, flushing red in embarrassment. After their dating reveal to the nosy group, they received countless teases from Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Johnny and Ten. 

  Mostly Ten, who was strumming the accompanying melody to ‘One Kiss’ on his guitar. Doyoung clenched his hand as he suppressed his urge to snap Ten’s guitar strings.

  “I bet that this was because of the kiss I made Taeyong give you!” Ten smirked proudly, “I’m such a great match maker.” 

  “Shut up Ten.” Doyoung glared but his face remained red. Ten did not even spare Doyoung a glance before turning to Taeyong. 

  “You haven’t even thanked me yet, Taeyong. I took such a lovely photo of the kiss that you used as your lock screen without my credit. The audacity.” Ten rolled his eyes, leaning back against Johnny. 


  Doyoung gave Taeyong a look of surprise, “You used it as your lock screen?” 

  “Yeah, in fact…” Ten noisily butted in before Taeyong could defend himself.

  A strong hand clamped over his mouth. “You’ve got too much to say. Now remain in silence.” 

  Johnny remained aloof to the death stares and grumbles he was receiving from his tiny boyfriend. 

  “We should have a celebration at the pink ice cream parlour!” Jungwoo exclaimed excitedly as he pulled Jaehyun to his feet. Doyoung let out another groan as the memories of the awkward cheesy crap he did in that ice cream shop with Taeyong flooded into his mind. 

  “Can’t we just stay here and play games?” Doyoung protested, not giving in to the upset pout Jungwoo gave him. 

  “We can play Jenga.” Jaehyun suddenly suggested. He had been watching the scene unfold before him while rumbling in laughter. 

  “But the cafe ice cream is so good!” Jungwoo cried. He made eye contact with Ten before darting his eyes to Doyoung and Taeyong suggestively. Ten raised his brows as he pried Johnny’s hand off. 

  “We could split into three groups again like last time.” Ten sniggered as he got on his feet. 

  “I’m fine with anything.” Johnny crawled up from a cross-legged position. 

  “I want to play Jenga.” Jaehyun said quietly. “It’ll be fun.” 

  “And I want ice cream.” Ten pulled Johnny to the door. 

  “We can play Jenga later when we’re home.” Jungwoo comforted Jaehyun with a light peck of his nose before rushing to the door. That seemed to be enough to buy over Jaehyun as he trailed behind Jungwoo ewith a love struck look. The last couple could only follow the leaving group.

  As they strolled through the cafe, Taeyong slid his hand into Doyoung’s hand. Doyoung gave Taeyong’s hand a squeeze of affection. 

  “Did they make you feel uncomfortable?” Taeyong asked kindly, offering Doyoung a sheepish grin. “My friends are quite unbearable at times.”

  Doyoung returned a soft smile to Taeyong. “They are slightly annoying, but I’ll get used to them. They are my friends too after all.” 

  Their gazes landed on the backs of the four infront, who were engaging in excited chatter. Ten turned around to face Taeyong and Doyoung, “Why do you guys walk like old men? Walk faster so we can talk together.” 

  In the pink ice cream cafe, Ten split the couples into their respective seats, but not as far away as it was during the first occasion. Doyoung had the same, plain single-scoop of strawberry ice cream but on a crispy cone this time while Taeyong went extravagant and had a double-scoop of vanilla with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles. 


  “Want a bite?” Taeyong offered a generous spoonful of his ice cream to Doyoung who nodded subtly. He leaned forward and opened his mouth to receive the food. As the cold ice cream came into contact with the tip of his tongue, his face wrinkled up in disgust. 

  “You’re going to get diabetes from that.” Doyoung chugged a cup of water down with a small frown while Taeyong smiled tenderly at the sight. 

  Doyoung took a bite of his ice cream, some of it sticking to his top lip. He slid his tongue over his lips to clear the ice cream off. Taeyong watched on with amusement as that same set of events happened each time Doyoung dived into his ice cream cone. 

  The fifth time it happened, Taeyong gently gripped Doyoung’s jawline, staring intently into Doyoung’s confused eyes. 

  “Secret Garden, Episode 10” Taeyong held his gaze in Doyoung’s narrowing eyes.

  “Oh don’t you dare-“ Doyoung was cut off by the soft kiss planted on his lips. His eyes widened slightly before he shuffled himself closer. His awkward fidgeting hands found a place on the gentle palms attached to either side of his cheeks. It happened in a sweet hazy mess; the sweetness of the ice cream, the strawberry chapstick he rubbed on earlier, Taeyong’s chapped lips. He focused his attention on Taeyong’s brown eyes as he kissed back, holding the heat surge from reaching his face with a studied effort. 

  Eventually they leaned back for a breath of air and some time to process what just happened. Doyoung meekly glanced at Taeyong, taking in the breathtaking sight. His gaze shifted to his ice cream sitting in a pool of its own sweat, trickling down his cone and his hand. He felt his lips curve upwards at a corner as a warm feeling manifested in his heart. 

  “I didn’t know you wore chapstick.” Taeyong broke the silence. When Doyoung looked up, he noticed Taeyong running his tongue over his own lips, slicking them in saliva. 

  “Stop doing that, it’s weird.” Doyoung’s nose scrunched in slight disgust.

  “But your chapstick tasted nice. Did you want to kiss? Were you trying to impress me?” Taeyong teased gently as the swirling heat broke through Doyoung’s barrier and rushed to his cheeks. He gazed away in embarrassment. 

  “What’s your favourite chapstick flavour?” 

  Doyoung looked back, thankful for the change of topic. “Strawberry.” 

  “Like the one you’re wearing? You like a lot of strawberry things.” Taeyong’s eyes scanned the pool of pink cream in the moist cone and the streams that ran from it and down Doyoung’s hand. He picked a tissue from the box at the table and absorbed the pink liquid from its banks. 

  “I like strawberry chocolates.” Doyoung smiled gratefully at Taeyong’s gesture, hoping the action was enough to convey his thanks. 

  His thanks for a lot of things.

  That one smile would not be enough to balance the time, love and care Taeyong rained on him. He really did not deserve Taeyong. 

  “I don’t deserve this.” Doyoung gave Taeyong a smile formed with happiness and a slight twinge of regret. 

  “Me?” Taeyong lifted his gaze to meet Doyoung’s blinking one.. 

  “I haven’t even thanked you sincerely once.” 

  “You thanked me when I brought clothes for you when you were naked and cold at Jaehyun’s house.” 

  Doyoung chuckled at the memory. He let the amusement simmer and his sincerity flow.

  “Thank you, Taeyong.” He locked eyes with the said male opposite him. 

  Taeyong offered an eye smile. “You’re welcome, Doyoung.” 





author's message:

I did it :)

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