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The sweet triple date turned into an interrogating session. Doyoung found himself back in Jaehyun’s house. Doyoung was seated next to Taeyong, and the rest sat opposite to him.

  “Was that your Father?” Ten’s eyes are more cat-like than ever.


  “What the hell is wrong with him?” Ten hissed. Doyoung kept quiet.

  "In case you haven't noticed, Taeyong is young, naive and my baby," Ten reached over to ruffle Taeyong's hair with his left hand, keeping his right hand firmly around Johnny's torso. Doyoung observed them, searching for any hint of jealousy on Johnny's face. There was none.

  "I'm...a full grown...teen..." Taeyong mumbled.

  "However still the baby of the group," Jaehyun sighed, leaning his chin on his hand, an eye smile crinkled on his face.

  Doyoung seriously had to start paying more attention to the group dynamics if he was gonna hang around them so much.

  "Don't get me wrong, everyone of us is just as precious to me. Johnny just slightly more than any of you," Ten booped Johnny's nose with the tip of his index finger.

  "I don't get the same protection..." Johnny sulked.

  "I'm you're baby, you protect me. Taeyong is our baby, we protect him," Ten smiled, waving his index finger in the air, almost looking blissful at the thought of being some protector of a sensible, easily heartbroken teen. 
  "That also means we protect him from dangerous people, any form of threat!" Ten landed his finger accusingly at Doyoung.

  “Ten, don’t force him,” Johnny pulled Ten into his chest, wrapping his strong arms around him. Ten visibly relaxed at the contact, however it was barely enough to cage his protectiveness. He struggled in Johnny's embrace.

  “I’m sorry, my boyfriend is an angsty cat now, I’ll take him away,” Johnny hoisted Ten on his shoulders and an arm around his bottom to support him.

  “But he’s a red flag! There is no way we can let Taeyong date some kind of dude like him! He can’t even give an explanation!” Ten huffed and banged on Johnny’s back, only to be carried away easily.

  “I’ll leave you to your things,” Jaehyun gave Jungwoo a knowing look and pulled him along to Jaehyun’s room. Jungwoo blew flying kisses to both boys at the table.

  “Movie?” Taeyong grinned at Doyoung, who returned him with a small but thankful and genuine smile.

  They got into the room they had shared previously, spreading the curtains, turning off the lights and scrolling through the list of movies in Jaehyun’s netflix account. Doyoung waited patiently next to Taeyong, nibbling his thumb and observing the room more closely. He had not noticed the decently-sized flat screen television the night before.

  Taeyong sighed contentedly and leaned into the pillow as the movie started rolling. Taeyong had picked a sweet, cheesy romance movie that was recommended on his feed. Taeyong fixed his gaze on the screen while Doyoung fixed his on Taeyong, capturing every small but beautiful detail of Taeyong. HIs clear, brown boba eyes that shone from the light reflecting off the television. And the same soft lips that had pressed against him that day, during which Doyoung was surprised himself that he had no such discomfort towards it.

  The movie carried on this way, Taeyong giving his full attention to the movie. Doyoung had his eyes on Taeyong throughout the movie, literally and figuratively, only occasionally flickering his eyes to the screen.

  Doyoung turned his gaze to the television as Taeyong’s face turned red, eyes unwavering but widened.

  The scene playing on the screen was just an innocent kiss between two lovers, not possible of turning Taeyong into a blushing mess.


  “Can I…” Doyoung unknowingly cut himself off, his gaze lingering on Taeyong’s lips.

  “H…HM?” Taeyong turned to Doyoung in surprise, his arms around a bolster and his eyes wide and innocent than ever.

  “Can I kiss you?” The words jumped out of Doyoung’s mouth, his heart functioning faster than his brain.

  “But I thought you…” Doyoung leaned in, Taeyong making no attempt to push his away. He sank into the kiss. Although Doyoung’s lips felt rough against his soft and lip-balm cared for ones, he melted in the kiss.

  The room was quiet besides the contented sighs from Taeyong's lips. The movie continued playing, casting a dim light to their figures.

updated the warnings too, you can check it out just in case !
happy new year and kun day !!

thanks for 400+ reads

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