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  The door was slammed open and Doyoung pulled his hand back immediately. A messy-haired Jungwoo was at the door, a puppy-smile on his face. “My boyfriend says that it’s about time for breakfast~ He’s cooking now~” Jungwoo beamed sweetly at Doyoung, who found that Jungwoo had an uncanny resemblance to a dog.

  “Ask your boyfie to wake up, or there’ll be none for either of you,” Doyoung blinked and when he opened his eyes,  Jungwoo was gone from the door frame he was originally leaning against.

  He turned to Taeyong, considering to wake him up by dripping water on him again, remembering the vase of roses on the table next to him. Before he could put his plan to action, Taeyong woke up with a blank expression, his pink hair sticking out in tufts everywhere.

  “Hey,” Taeyong greeted Doyoung who could only spare him a tight-lipped smile as a greeting.

  “You look like a bunny,” Doyoung, who did not expect such a morning greeting, huffed and left the room.

  At the dining table Doyoung and Taeyong sat side by side, facing Jaehyun and Jungwoo who were sharing chairs, oblivious to the empty one next to them. They were eating Jaehyun’s ham and egg dish.

  “You guys stink,” Jaehyun deadpanned, inspecting Doyoung and Taeyong from where he sat. Both boys were in hoodies and jeans, and probably haven't showered since yesterday. In contrary, Jungwoo and Jaehyun were in matching pajamas, both fresh from their bath together last night.

  That’s right, together.

  “That’s the least of our worries now,” Taeyong replied darkly, to which Jaehyun let out a hearty laugh, not sensing the severity of the situation.

  “Both of you can take a bath in there together later,” Jaehyun gestured to the bathroom.

  “To..Together?” Doyoung squeaked weakly, hoping that Jaehyun was joking.

  “We’ll take turns,” Taeyong laughed it off.

   What are you guys?” Jungwoo was curious.

  “Us? I don’t know…friends?” Taeyong pouted.

  Fortunately, Doyoung did not oppose that, which was enough for Taeyong to confirm that they were friends, finally, once and for all.

  “Yes, we’re friends,” Taeyong beamed brightly.

  Jaehyun scoffed,”You guys are not official?”


  “It’ll be cute though. A smart nerd and a basketball player, classic.” Jaehyun yawned and turned to the boy pouting next to him, “But we’re cuter.”

  "Two dogs dating?” Taeyong laughed and ran to the bathroom to shower before Jaehyun or Jungwoo could get him. He left Jaehyun, Jungwoo and Doyoung to have an awkward conversation.


  "JAE, DO YOU HAVE CLOTHES?” Taeyong peeked from the door, his pink hair dripping wet.

  “No,” Jaehyun teased evilly.

  “JAE HURRY. I’M COLD,” Taeyong only had a towel around his waist.

  “If I were you, I would go enjoy the view now,” Jaehyun whispered to Doyoung as he passed to get Taeyong some clothes. Doyoung froze. Was the view…good?

  The bathroom door was slammed shut as Jaehyun threw his spare clothes to Taeyong.

  “You should not share your clothes with other people,” Jungwoo had a small frown when Jaehyun returned to the table they were seated at.

  “Bae, I can’t leave him like that,” Jaehyun sat next to the empty seat next to Jungwoo. Finally, Doyoung thought that they had learnt to use chairs properly but was tremendously wrong when Jaehyun patted his lap and Jungwoo slipped on excitedly.

  As Doyoung looked at the couple, he felt sick. He impatiently waited for Taeyong to be done, feeling tired of third-wheeling Jungwoo and Jaehyun. His mind drifted back to Jaehyun’s words, and his cheeks heated up.

  The bathroom door was cranked open and Taeyong carefully exited, his pink hair wet and dripping. dressed in Jaehyun’s black shorts and sleeveless white shirt. The shirt clung onto Taeyong’s wet body and was somewhat translucent, you could roughly make up his slim abs through it.

  Doyoung felt his cheeks heating further. “I’m going to shower now,” Doyoung ran from the dining table, pass Taeyong and into the bathroom.

  He sank down on the toilet seat, looking up, he saw his reflection in the mirror. He was a reddening mess.

  Hurriedly undressing, he turned the knob and let the cool water flow down his face. He splashed some on his cheeks and checked the misty mirror for his reflection: his cheeks had subdued to a soft pink.

  His eyes travelled to his chest. The red marks on his chest were still imminent. They dotted from slightly under his collarbones to his chest area. He let out a weak sigh and continued his bath.

  As he dried himself with the fresh towel he found on the tower hanger he realised something.

  ‘Shit, I don’t have clean clothes,”


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