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  Doyoung remembered the day his Mom pulled the suitcase with her while saying that 'she couldn't take it anymore' while choking on her sobs. Ten year old Doyoung watched his mother struggling to exit the house with the bulky suitcase and looked up expectantly, waiting for his father to help her.

  Was this another business trip? The only difference was that his mother had packed a big suitcase and that they weren't seeing her off at the airport. Doyoung felt his father's hands slip on his shoulder and pat them reassuringly.

  “Mom, see you when you come back!” Doyoung bade goodbye to her, still confused by her teary state and his father's lack of words.

  The vivid image of his mother waving goodbye as she entered the elevator, mouthing an 'I love you' was etched in his brain, as if someone had pressed a hot iron on his brain.

  He remembered yelling after her an 'I love you too!'

  He felt his father ruffle his hair soothingly.

  “When is Mommy coming back?” Doyoung asked curiously, his rabbit eyes perking up to look at his father.

“'Oh, soon, when she feels like it.”

꙰✕ …*!🌿ˇ,°·

  Doyoung was relieved that his seatmate stopped bothering him with questions, giving him more time to zone out.

Taeyong did not put in an effort to initiate a conversation with the sharp-tongued Doyoung. He focused on creating an 'angel student' impression on his teachers and stealing the hearts of everyone in school, which was his consistent goal since he enrolled in, and his main goal of life.

  Taeyong could have forgotten the existence of Doyoung if he did not see him in the same slouching position on the table everyday. He found his own circle of friends, Jaehyun, Yuta and Johnny.

  Taeyong had easily slipped himself a spot in Mr Byun Baekhyun's good books by volunteering to carry the science textbooks to the classroom one fine day.

  His high school life was smooth sailing but orientation week passed quicker. One fine sunny day Mr Byun announced a project with his seat partner over the topic they had learnt this week: Newton’s first law.

  Taeyong groaned internally and leaned back into his chair, it creaked and caught the attention of Doyoung. He lifted his heavy head and hissed for Taeyong to 'Shut up' 

  Taeyong bit his lip, bottling his fury up and pointed his index finger at the whiteboard In Front: ‘Project work on gravity and it's application and a brief history’ written neatly in Mr Byun's handwriting. Doyoung took a moment to absorb this. 

  Doyoung's chair screeched loudly as he turned to face Taeyong. “We should get started, today.”

  “Already? It's due in a week!”

  “A week to research, plan, draft 1, draft 2, final report and deal with your shit,“ Doyoung hissed loudly, hoping that Taeyong would catch his words as the excited chattering of his classmates grew louder. Mr Byun did not seem the least concerned about the noise and was seated with his left leg over his right leg on his spinning chair, observing the scene before him with a fatherly look plastered on his rosy face. His calm composure did nothing but fuel up the class.

  “Fine, let's do it at your house,” Taeyong reluctantly suggested.

“'Your house,” Doyoung was quick to oppose, his eyes growing dangerously dark with a flicker of fear in them.

  “I left my keys at home and I was going to bunk at one of my friend's house, but I will at yours, I'm too lazy to shift houses,"

  Doyoung was visibly hesitant from the way he nibbled his bottom lip but gave in. 'My dad is not at home, so we will work on the project and you can sleep in the spare room,'

  Taeyong beamed a response and scooted his chair closer to the table to listen to what Mr Byun just started to say.

  "By the way, you have a night light right?"


hii !! hope you enjoyed this chapterr ˙ᵕ˙

thought of the week:

smooth, silky hair for everyone:

smooth, silky hair for everyone:

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