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Taeyong softly paced beside Doyoung when they returned to school the next day. They had a quick exchange of greetings with the cult that ravinged off Jaehyun’s supplies at his house. 

  Ten slipped quietly behind Doyoung and whispered into his ear, “I knew you’d both be a couple,” Doyoung jumped in alarm and turned around to give Ten a pissed look. 

  “Yes, you’re right,” He sighed defeatedly as Ten whooped with joy. Jungwoo shuffled over and gave them a small wave which Doyoung returned with a half smile. Jungwoo at school was much quieter than the Jungwoo he met and knew at Jaehyun’s house. Nevertheless, he would rather pick to hangout with Jungwoo than Ten any other day. The shortest of them all had more pride than blood in his tiny figure. 


  “Let’s go to class now,” Taeyong smiled sweetly at Doyoung as they broke off from the group. They walked peacefully side by side, sharing a pleasant conversation as their knuckles brushed against each other’s. 

  “Taeyong~” A high pitched voice, or almost shrill voice, sounded through the busy hallway. Doyoung cringed at it. Doyoung could see a rather short girl in pink overalls weave her way through the crowd. She suddenly stopped in front of a gap between two students and cried, “Taeyong! I’m stuck!” 

  “You’re not even that big,” Taeyong grunted as he guided Doyoung towards their classroom, his arm gently nudging Doyoung forward. Seeing that her target was getting further away, the girl huffed and slid through the gap easily to catch up. 

  “You didn’t come to school for a day, ignored me during the long weekend and left my texts on read!” The more she talked the more Doyoung wanted to staple her mouth shut. “Furthermore,” She stuck out a finger and dragged it down Taeyong’s chest, “I wanted to ask you to take me out,” 

  She crossed the line,

  And Doyoung lost it.

  He pushed Taeyong back and behind him with his arm and glared holes into the girl’s forehead. He then slipped his hand through Taeyong’s and wound their fingers together, an emotionless expression on his face. Taeyong had an apologetic smile on his face, “I’m sorry, Minah, I’ve found someone I really like,” The words seem to shatter her as Minah’s pretty little face fell drastically. She stood there with her mouth open and closing, like a fish. Taeyong gave her a quick bow and pulled Doyoung away. 

  “She’s annoying, how do you know her?” Doyoung huffed. Taeyong chuckled in response.

  “She’s my table partner in Economics, I never really enjoyed her company,” Taeyong smiled softly at Doyoung, who was satisfied with the answer. 

 Mr Byun’s physics class passed by in a whiz. Doyoung found himself sitting at the far left side of one of the benches in the lunch hall. Taeyong had slipped himself between Doyoung and Ten, which Doyoung was secretly thankful for. Judging by the way Ten was hitting and nudging everyone around him to express his amusement, his neighbours were having a hard time eating their food.

  Taeyong held his breath in and let out a sigh, banana milk trickling down his nose. Ten nudged him so hard that his nose dived into his banana milk, painting his nose a cute yellow. Doyoung had a half grin as he watched a drop of banana milk drip from the tip of Taeyong’s nose. Doyoung took a tissue and wiped Taeyong’s nose clean, frowning as he trained his eyes on Taeyong’s pretty nose. Taeyong watched him from the corner of his eye, his mouth pouting and eyebrows raised.

  “You’re quite a cute bunny when you frown,” Taeyong said absentmindedly and Doyoung shot him a death-glare in response. “A cute black bunny, your hair’s really black but it suits you,” Taeyong blabbered away.

  Taeyong and Doyoung strolled back to the dorm peacefully, they started to find the walks more quiet than the efficient but noisy bus that brought them back and forth. 

  “Can I ask you something?” Taeyong had his arms behind his back as he walked. Doyoung nodded in response, watching a pink and black butterfly flapping in the wind. “I’ve always been curious about you and your father’s situation…I don’t know what’s going on and I would like to know how to protect you better,” 

  Doyoung sighed softly. Of course, this day was inevitable, Taeyong would want to know one day. “I can tell you…” Doyoung mumbled, bending down to scrapa pink Japanese Thimbleweed he had unfortunately and accidentally crushed off the sole of his shoe.

  “Take your time,” Taeyong smiled at him, referring to Doyoung’s story telling session and tedious procedure in getting the plant off. It was a shame, that was such a pretty flower. Something had landed on Taeyong too, a beetle which was not too much of a fuss. Taeyong gently picked off a small black beetle from his sweater and placed it on a plant nearby. Taeyong and his loving heart that embraces all things living. 

I did it :D

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