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School flowed by quickly and the shrill ring of the school bell sounded through the spacious school followed by the hurried sound of screeching chairs.

  "I'll see you !" Taeyong bade farewell to Jaehyun and Yuta who waved in response. Johnny did not seem to hear as his eyes were glued to the back of a boy in the class he was loitering outside. He quickly caught up to Doyoung who was already leaving and slung his hand around his neck with a bright "Let's go!"

  To his utmost surprise, the moment his arm came into contact with Doyoung's neck, Doyoung backed away from Taeyong as if Taeyong's touch scorched him. "What was that for?" Doyoung eyes widened as he gave Taeyong an infuriated and shaky look. Taeyong returned him a stunned expression, his usually quick-witted brain seemed to be having issues with processing the situation he was in.

  "Because you're my friend...?" Taeyong's voice faltered towards the end of his sentence.

  "I'm not your friend, I'm just your classmate, seatmate and project partner." Doyoung swiftly devolved the 'friends' status to 'just classmates'
Taeyong could feel the eyes of curious spectators boring holes of embarrassment on his back. The walls seemed to slowly close in. He was stuck in a narrow corridor with a bunch of busy-body students.

"Lets go," Taeyong hissed and voluntarily quickened his footsteps and Doyoung followed behind, quiet as ever, his lips pursed into a thin, straight line. From the corner of his eye, he observed Doyoung pulling his jacket tighter around him and wrapping his hands around himself.
  Eventually Taeyong's footsteps slowed to allow Doyoung to catch up and take the lead as he did not know the way. He silently trailed after Doyoung, who was dragging his feet with every step he took. Taeyong's mind drifted to what happened from his innocent gesture, observing Doyoung, whose jacket was still wrapped around him. It looked so sweltering hot that Taeyong wanted to yank it off the boy

  The sooner we’re done with the project, the sooner nighttime will come and then morning will follow before I get Taeyong out of my house. Doyoung planned silently in his head while assuring himself that his father would be back by tomorrow afternoon. His forehead dampened at the thought of his father coming home early and finding Taeyong in his house. Doyoung never dreamed of bringing friends over, or there would be...serious consequences, he even questioned why he had agreed in the first place.

  Even if he had disagreed, it's not like Taeyong would let him. He gently comforted himself for his rash decision.

  "We’re here," Doyoung kicked the rusting gate open and Taeyong nodded his head at the neatly trimmed lawn, and the narrow, stoned pavement that snaked to a stoned doorstep where an oakwood door awaited. The house was laid with clay bricks that formed a hexagon and a unique stone-back square roof.

  "Never thought someone as boring as you had such a fantastic house,"
"Oh, Shut up."

  And Taeyong did.

  Doyoung swung the door open, it creaked slightly and Taeyong widened his eyes at the sight, the impressed look on his face not fading.

  The house was built in a fascinating way, the room was the shape of one of the hexagons in a honeycomb.  However, it was as bare and plain as it could be.

  There was a sleek, black television on the plain white wall and a black, leather couch 6 feet away from it.
  Behind the couch was an oak dining table. Taeyong thought of the oak door, they must be fans of oak wood. Beside two wooden (oak wood)chairs facing each other on opposite sides of the length of the table, the table was empty.

  Taeyong wanted to question the lack of family photos on the wall or even human existence but he decided to leave it for another day.

  "This is the living room, my room is further around the corridor," Doyoung gestured to a small corridor opposite of the door and Taeyong's eyes shifted as Doyoung's hand moved.

  "Mr quiet guy started talking,"

  "Oh, shut it," and Taeyong got deja vu before he pursed his lips reluctantly.
  He followed behind Doyoung secretly until they reached the end of the corridor; there were two oakwood doors. Big fan of oakwood.

  Doyoung pushed the one on the right and looked at Taeyong expectantly, he obediently entered.

I had time so I updated !!
let's hope we see some progress in the story jeehjd
should the chapters be longer or are they just right.

since I have a tradition of NCT memes/moments I think about, have a look:

yuta spoiling bad love by key mv sketch before it was released through a mirror selfie

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yuta spoiling bad love by key mv sketch before it was released through a mirror selfie

good morning, afternoon, evening, night.
but have a happy rest of the day ˙ᵕ˙

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