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  “And he said ‘Thank you’ and slammed the bathroom door,” Taeyong repeated to Jaehyun and Jungwoo, who were listening as well as they could manage.

  “I’ve never heard him thank anyone or even me. Ha! Talk about doing the impossible,” Taeyong continued, feeling proud that he got a ‘Thank you’ out of what he beloved to be Doyong’s ungrateful lips.

  He saw Jaehyun snigger and he felt someone hit the back of his head with a towel. He turned and realising that it was Doyoung, could only give him a sheepish grin.

  “We can’t entertain you for long,” Taeyong turned to Jaehyun upon hearing his deep voice.

  “Bae and I need to do some shopping,” Jaehyun took Jungwoo’s hand in his and lifted him off his lap.

  “Feel free to explore the house. Johnny wanted to drop by today with his boyfriend but tell him stocking my fridge is more important.” Jaehyun waved and the main door was shut, leaving Taeyong and Doyoung alone in Jaehyun's house.

  Taeyong turned to Doyoung. “Do you wanna build a snowman?”

  “It’s only autumn,”

  “Come on let’s go out and play~”


   Taeyong huffed, “Well, I need to show you around,”

  “What about my Father? He’s gonna kill me when I’m home,”

  “You’re not going home,”

  “Then where do I go?”

  “Relax Rabbit, you, actually, we had an awful day yesterday so we’re gonna have a great day today!” Taeyong pouted, “You have to make up for the clothes I kind-heartedly brought for you just now. If not for your saviour, you would be shivering cold.”

  “Alright, alright, you can show me around,” Doyoung relented and Taeyong beamed proudly before gesturing for Doyoung to follow.

  There was a flight of stairs winding up to the second level, where there were three doors and another long stair to the third floor. The second floor had marble tiling, cool under the continuous blowing of the air conditioner. Doyoung shivered with every step he took. Wrapping Jungwoo’s oversized hoodie, which Taeyong had fetched for him just a while ago.

“Movie room, Changing room, Second Shared bathroom,” Taeyong made a wide motion with his arms to the respective rooms. He bestowed upon the wide tables and chairs with assessment books piled on the shelves above.

“Jaehyun opens this place for his friends to study in peace,” Taeyong continued.

  Doyoung nodded approvingly. This Jaehyun person seemed to see the same importance in studying like him.

  "Up this flight of stairs are more bedrooms, usually for his group of friends," Taeyong was about to head to the third level when he heard furious knocking at the front door.

  "I think Johnny is here!" Taeyong scurried down, Doyoung hurrying after him.
  Taeyong threw the door open to see Johnny and Ten linking hands. Johnny had his usual sophisticated demeanor while Ten was sticking as close to Johnny as possible, a smile on his pretty lips.

  They heard a teasing whistle behind them and quick footsteps. Jaehyun and Jungwoo appeared.
  "Triple date, fun," Ten grinned.

  "We're not together," Taeyong pouted slightly. His eyes wandered to Jaehyun and Jungwoo's hands and then Johnny and Ten's linked arms. He stared at Johnny and Ten's arms for a little while before moving aside to allow the rest to enter.

  "Suckers, just admit it," Ten smirked at Taeyong and Doyoung. He reached to pull Doyoung closer to Taeyong but was stopped by Taeyong himself.

  Ten assessed the situation before him. Taeyong prevented him from touching Doyoung. Possessive.

  "Alright, what's yours is yours," Ten laughed and pulled Johnny further into Jaehyun's house.

  Jaehyun and Jungwoo gave each other a knowing look which did not go unnoticed by Doyoung's sharp eyes.

  They followed Ten, who was leading them to Jaehyun's living room.

  "Truth or Dare," Ten showed an unbottled bottle of coke in his hand.

  "Yes!" Jungwoo piped up excitedly.
  Doyoung reluctantly sat in a circle with the rest of the group. Maybe if he stayed quiet, they would forget he was even there.

  The game went by quite smoothly for Doyoung, who was spacing out during the whole game. Thinking about his Dad and how to thank Taeyong's protection just a little while ago. He looked uninterestedly at Ten being dared to slap Johnny, which he did and proceeded to apologise by hugging him. He watched Jungwoo being honest that he never thought he would hook up with Jaehyun, which the said boy was shocked at. He heard Taeyong's laughter ringing in the air. He perked his ears up to the sound.
  He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Ten say, "Taeyong, I dare you to kiss Doyoung,"

  He looked up in immediate shock while Taeyong gave him a pained look.

  “I can’t kiss him,” Taeyong declared firmly, “Think of something else.” However, he was not firm enough for Ten.

  “Lies, a dare is a dare,” Ten’s eyes narrowed.


  “No chickening out,” Johnny grinned as Jungwoo and Jaehyun watched on in amusement.

  “Doyoung leaned to Taeyong’s ear,  “Just do it…” He thought that perhaps he could leave some pride for Taeyong infront of his friends, knowing his nature.


  “The sooner it’s over the sooner they’ll stop whining,” Doyoung continued, slightly hesitant.

“So, you give me consent?” Taeyong asked carefully, still reluctant to kiss Doyoung, not wanting to hurt Doyoung’s mental stability.

  Doyoung nodded vigorously.

  Taeyong gave Doyoung a final look of confirmation before leaning in to Doyoung's cheek.

updated ^^


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