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After a lot of effort and cookies, they were done for the day.

  "I think we're done, you're more efficient than I thought, now all we'll have to do is print it out in color at a printing stall,' Doyoung closed his laptop with a click, a small smile imminent on his lips.

  Taeyong grinned, unable to contain his joy in receiving the much anticipated satisfied response of Doyoung. He pushed himself from his sitting position on the ground and collapsed on Doyoung's bed, earning himself an unpleasant glare, but refused to acknowledge it.
  "There's a spare room," Doyoung opened his door and pointed his arm in it's direction. Taeyong parted his lips as if he had something to say but nothing was heard. He pouted and reluctantly left the comfortable bed and into the spare room next door.

  "It's late," Doyoung followed him and glanced at the clock in the spare room: 10.30pm

  "This isn't late, I usually stay up until 12am! And I don't get dark eye circles!" Taeyong pointed proudly at the clean, white skin below his eyes.

  "I didn't think we worked so long," Doyoung watched Taeyong get under the sheets before he flicked the light switch off and allowed darkness to shoo the light out of the room, gently shut the door and return to his own room. He clicked the door shut as he heard Taeyong whine.

  Doyoung forced his eyelids to lift and observed the silhouette before him, hugging the spare pillow close to his chest. Doyoung stretched to the table, which was shaky on one leg and switched the light on, squinting his eyes as he got used to the bright light.

  His eyes flickered, noticing Taeyong’s hunched shoulders, pouting lips and fear flashing in his eyes.

Doyoung read Taeyong well, he read people as if he was reading one of those interesting murder cases he sometimes came across in the library.

  “Are you scared?” Doyoung pushed his messy hair back and waited for a reply, he did not get anything but heavy breathing. He raised his head to better observe Taeyong with his sharp perception. He was scared, his skin paler than usual.
Doyoung sighed, feeling a little grateful that his bed came with an extra mattress that could be pulled out from underneath. He kicked his duvet off himself and dragged the mattress out, gesturing for Taeyong to sleep there:

 He kicked his duvet off himself and dragged the mattress out, gesturing for Taeyong to sleep there:

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  “Doyoung,” Taeyong’s voice was small and tight, quite the opposite of his usual self. “I am scared,”

  “Coward,” chuckled Doyoung, unable to believe the absurdity of the situation. However, he stopped chuckling when he noticed the grave look on Taeyong’s face.

  “Are you scared of the dark?” Doyoung bit his lip as he asked, to prevent himself from laughing.
  “Yes,” Taeyong’s voice was high, he was almost squeaking.

  “You can sleep on the mattress next to me,” Doyoung nudged his head towards the mattress. Taeyong gladly laid his pillow on the mattress and settled himself down as Doyoung turned off the lights.

  “But,” Taeyong began and Doyoung felt a sigh slip out of his lips.

  “There’s no light,” Taeyong whispered, sitting up and inching closer to Doyoung’s bed, cuddling the pillow around him like it was his defensive shield.

  Doyoung reached for the table again, groping for his belongings. A small click was produced when his fingers came into contact with the plastic, he saw Taeyong flinch and scan the room before turning to look at Doyoung for comfort. Doyoung yanked the drawer open, it creaked and he fumbled with the random objects inside. He scooped out a bundle of wires and connected it to the socket at the foot of his bed.

  A soft, warm, yellow light lit the room dimly. He watched Taeyong getting back to his sleeping position, lying flat on his back, the pillow still close to his chest.

  Doyoung saw him stir in his sleep now and then before he let his heavy eyes drop.

hii !! I hope you liked this chapter.
busy working on the next one.
thank you for all the views, votes and follow ˙ᵕ˙

I really appreciate it.

thank you for supporting my goal to be a better writer  ꙰



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