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  The sun streamed in and warmed up Doyoung’s face. The sudden warmth and glare caused Doyoung to force his eyelids open. He blinked the early morning cloudiness from his eyes as he sat up abruptly. Oh crap, School.

  He had a busy week and he lost track of the days. Doyoung stuck out his left fore finger. They were at his house for the project. He lifted two more fingers . Bunking over at Jaehyun’s for two nights, moving into the dorm….last night….and today. Doyoung looked at the six fingers stuck out on his hands. It was a Thursday on the day they worked on the project, he had boldly skipped school on Friday. Weekends passed quickly. Monday was a Public Holiday, but school resumed today.

  Doyoung let out a heavy sigh and collapsed backwards, his back meeting with a strong chest. Two sleeved-up arms wrapped around him and Doyoung sank back deeper into the warmth. He tilted his head upwards to admire the pretty, angelic features of his company.

  “Taeyong…” Doyoung mumbled softly, “We’ve got school today,”

  “Doesn’t mean we’re going to attend it,” Taeyong replied sleepily, pulling the sheets over Doyoung and him.

  Doyoung nuzzled into Taeyong’s chest, thinking about the previous night’s events.

  “I love you, Doyoung”

  Doyoung’s breath hitched, hearing the shaky voice. His grip tightened on the door knob.

“Doyoung, don’t go, I’m so-so sorry, I…I want you in my arms again…p-please,”

Doyoung felt warm tears poking at the corners of his eyes, he turned slightly to catch a quick glance at Taeyong’s current state. Doyoung’s heart cracked at the sight: Taeyong’s eyes were red and wet, streams of tears flowed down his cheeks as he desperately wiped them away. It was a pity, he had to break someone after he broke him.

  Taeyong weakly held his shaky arms out to beg Doyoung into an embrace as he got onto his knees on the bed, his soft sobbing ringing alarm bells in Doyoung’s head. He had to get away.

  “D-Doyoung…” Taeyong relaxed his arms and allowed them to fall onto his sides as he watched Doyoung through teary eyes. He hung his head in remorse and sadness, his eyes glazing as he stared at the floor.

  Doyoung lost it.

  He released his grip on the door, stumbled and leaped into Taeyong’s chest, crying silently as two gentle arms cuddled him and pulled him on the bed. They hugged each other in a tearful mess. Settling onto Taeyong’s shoulder, Doyoung let Taeyong wipe away his tears and his pain.

  Doyoung hesitantly pecked Taeyong’s tear stained cheek in return, brushing Taeyong’s pink bangs away from his eyes fondly.

  “I’m…I’m sorry,” Taeyong's voice was hoarse from pleading.

  Doyoung smiled comfortingly at Taeyong in response, leaning into the crook of his neck as Taeyong’s affectionate back pats and steadying breathing lull him to sleep.

  Doyoung sighed contentedly as he felt Taeyong’s hand caressing his hair, brushing long strokes from Doyoung’s hair roots to his neck. Doyoung was glad that he decided to not leave. He did not have a clear plan on where to go, it was dangerous and he would be missing out on these head pats.

  “We’re learning from home today,” Taeyong stopped the head pats as he scrolled through his phone.


  “Apparently there was a chemical gas leakage in the school chemistry lab.”


  “They’re sorting it out so we’ll have to attend online school if the teacher has made any arrangements. You can check your school account for the schedule.”

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