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  The next morning came, the warm sunlight casting through the window, shining on the two boys sleeping peacefully on the bed. Taeyong awoken first, shaking the laziness out of his head. He gazed around the bed, realizing that he and Doyoung’s legs were tangled together. Blush crept to his cheeks and his lips curved up at its corners seeing the sleepy bunny. He pulled his legs away to sit in a cross legged position.

  This caused Doyoung to stir. “Mhm…Good…morning…” he fumbled with his words as he pushed himself up from the bed. Taeyong held the urge back to question Doyoung for his intentions the night before. He’ll leave that for a better time another day.

  “Breakfast…in..bed?” Doyoung suggested, rubbing sleep out of his drowsy eyes.

  “Huh?” Taeyong realized that he's the worst chef in the world. He should not be allowed in the kitchen, even with parental guidance.

  “Find something in…Jaehyun’s kitchen..to eat…” Doyoung sprawled back into bed, pulling the sheets over him.

  A silver tray was placed on the bed, Doyoung and Taeyong ate their meal of toast in silence, the television was still playing from last night. Doyoung turned it down to a really low volume, it played softly in the background, filling up the awkward silence they both created. It turns out that the pink-haired male had woken up earlier than he had imagined.

  Taeyong turned to the alarm clock on the bedside table: 5:25am

  Jaehyun and Jungwoo were probably still sleeping too.

  He felt proud that he managed to make something which Doyoung seemed to be fine eating, he wondered why it brought so much satisfaction to him. He never felt this way even when he managed to hook up on the new hot girl in school just to show his friends.

  “Where…can I go?” Doyoung mumbled, crunching his toast.

  “I don’t know. We can’t stay in Jaehyun’s house forever, can we?”

  “I don’t want to…stay with them anymore,” Doyoung murmured, he was still half-asleep, remembering every time he third wheeled them. Taeyong found him adorable, Doyoung was not like that last time, is he…perhaps...just maybe...comfortable with Taeyong now?

  “Do you want to move into a dorm together at school? It’s most probably safe from your father, although I am unaware about his capabilities,” Taeyong suggested, cocking his head at Doyoung.

  “I don’t know myself. He flies around a lot. But he never brought me to ‘Bring a child to work day’ or said anything about it. I’ve caught a whiff that it’s probably some illegal business. I’m sure…Mom knew too…” Doyoung’s voice grew hesitant with every word.

  “The school will be safer, if your father’s business is so secretive, he wouldn’t want to attract unnecessary attention,” Taeyong assured Doyoung. Doyoung bit his lips and gave that some thought.

  “Alright,” He agreed, shoving the rest of the toast into his mouth.

  They spent the rest of the day looking for a room on the school website and convincing Taeyong’s parents on the phone. It did not take too long as Taeyong’s parents were lenient and carefree, they got permission rather easily.

  By evening, they received a confirmation email regarding their rooms. After dropping a quick text to Jaehyun, they took a bus to Taeyong’s house. Taeyong never mentioned much about his house to Doyoung, which made Doyoung curious about Taeyong’s house. Hearing the rumors about Taeyong having a gorgeous villa just stirred his curiosity even more.

  When he arrived, the house outlived his expectations. His father had decorated the house with somewhat aesthetic value, but Taeyong’s house raised the tier. The villa was white and a wooden patio lay under the sun. The swimming pool glistened under the gleaming sun. He followed Taeyong down the rocked pavement.

  “Mom!” Taeyong brightly called as he threw open the door. Doyoung peeked in. A lady appeared at the door, her hair tied up in a bun on her head, loose strands hung from it. Her eyes crinkled into a smile as she saw Doyoung.

  “Come in! Taeyong, you could have kindly dropped me a text about your guest!” Mrs Lee gently hit Taeyong’s hair with the wooden end of the spatula in her hand. Doyoung entered with this brilliant feeling of home burning in his chest. The house smelled of chocolate cookies and it was well furnished and decorated. Many family portraits hung from the wall. There were clothes draped over the sofa and across the window, very homely.

  “Have some, “ Mrs Lee thrusted a plate of cookies up Doyoung’s face, he politely took a piece. “Taeyong can show you around, I have some cookie orders to complete, I heard that you’ll be Taeyong’s new roommate!” Mrs Lee smiled at them. Doyoung gave her a polite smile and nodded.

  “Do help me pack,” Taeyong thrusted a pile of clothes up Doyoung’s face the same style as Mrs Lee had. Doyoung gave the clothes a glance.

  “You can’t bring them all!” Doyoung hissed, looking at the thick stack, it seemed as if Taeyong had packed two sets of everything.

  “We’re sharing clothes, there’s no way we’re heading back to your Father’s trap!” Taeyong threw open a luggage.

  “I don’t believe he’ll turn my house to a hell-hole or wait for my arrival. He flew overseas anyway.” Doyoung started to fold a hoodie.

  “He might not but I don’t want to go back. He could have hired someone," Taeyong, mumbled, receiving the hoodie from Doyoung and laying it into the luggage.

  After much difficulty in packing due to Doyoung’ objection to Taeyong’s choice of necessities, they were done packing. Two sets of toothbrushes and towels, several hoodies and long, loose pants which were to Doyoung’s liking. Taeyong packed many shorts and jackets, and a couple of shirts.

  “We’ve packed everything we needed!” Taeyong beamed proudly. Doyoung grinned to himself at Taeyong’s smile. He turned to the sky, turning a purplish shade, it was nearing sunset.

  He helped Taeyong carry out a box of textbooks, giving Taeyong’s room a last look before leaving. Mrs Lee drove them to the dorm, they had a cheerful ride.

  Taeyong’s room was now scarce of clothes. The books, gone from the shelves. Taeyong’s table, which was once clustered with many textbooks, was now clean. They took everything they needed.

  Except that, Taeyong’s beloved cat designed night light was forgotten, it sat alone on the empty table.

happy chinese new year !!! ❤️❤️🧧🐯
managed to publish a chapter, it's been a month ! happy reading.

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