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Fortunately, Doyoung's room was more furnished than the living room and had more evident human existence. There was a blue bed with a white frame, and a tall cupboard in a corner. Taeyong raised his eyes at what seemed to be Doyoung's workplace which was neat and everything seemed to have a place.

Taeyong had the sudden urge to fumble the ridiculously neat arrangement of Doyoung’s belongings but he stuffed his hands in his pockets to prevent that from happening.

As Doyoung was unpacking his bag, Taeyong made himself comfortable on Doyoung's blue bed, which was as soft as he had hoped for. Doyoung swiftly turned his head when Taeyong accidentally made the bed creak by shifting his weight. Doyoung’s eyes narrowed, "What are you doing?" he hissed.

Taeyong put on a confident stand. “Making myself comfortable? Stop hissing snake,” He brought his hands to the back of his neck, shutting his eyes and letting out a loud and extremely fake snore. He was met with silence. He flicked his eyes open only to see Doyoung opening his water bottle and trickling some on Taeyong’s hoodie sleeve.

He immediately jumped from Doyoung’s bed, ready to latch on and tackle him. However he remembered the events that took place earlier on and resorted to swatting Doyoung with the wet sleeve of his oversized hoodie.

  Doyoung was very amused and surprised at the lengths Taeyong would do to tease him or make him say a single word, especially since he was comfortable in his bubble of silence and isolation, which felt like peace to Doyoung’s anti-social state. He felt like he was balancing on this small stone, balancing his lack of friends and social activities, studying and his father on his weary shoulders.

This led to him shying away from social interaction to avoid human contact and conversing with anything that could talk. 

  He even managed to start blocking out unnecessary noise, like the chattering of his classmates, their excited yells, which only served as a cruel reminder that he would never have any friends. Blocking all these sounds brought a slight amount of comfort to his breaking soul and heart.

It would have remained that way if Taeyong did not pop his delicate bubble. Doyoung found it unable to block out the teasing and exclamations of Lee Taeyong.
"We need to get started," Doyoung sat cross-legged on the floor and Taeyong did the same, but spread his legs out and propped his hands behind for support. "Do you remember what Mr Byun said about the Physics project?"
"Do you?" Taeyong retorted, his bottom lip jutting out. Doyoung left out an exasperated puff of air and opened a browser page. Taeyong scooted over closer, using his feet to push himself close enough to see what Doyoung was typing. Remembering something, Taeyong pushed himself away slightly, keeping a 20 centimetres distance away from the bunny boy whose fingers were busy on the keyboard.

“We can make a poster,” Doyoung opened an online poster making application before pulling out a few sheets of paper and laying them in front of Taeyong. “Being the creative child you are, you can think of some poster ideas, I’ll do the research,” Doyoung rolled a few colored markers over to Taeyong.

  “Am not a child!” Taeyong bit his bottom lip, frowning at Doyoung who gave him an authoritative look as he researched on the internet.

Taeyong got to work, not liking the look Doyoung threw him. The constant whining of Taeyong was strangely absent in the room. It was only filled with the busy tapping of keyboards and the lazy scratching of a marker.

Doyoung sighed contentedly, looking at the information he found and typed in a word document, he turned his head around to check on Taeyong’s progress, only to find him sitting with his long legs stretched out, hands in between his legs, staring back at him. He even had a marker hanging from the corner of his mouth and an innocent expression written on his face.

“Why are you just sitting there?” Doyoung questioned, slightly irritated that Taeyong was waiting for him to finish.
  “I’m done.” and as he said so, the marker from Taeyong’s mouth slipped and it fell to the ground.

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"That's it?" Doyoung felt that he was about to snap.

"No, not gimme that,' Taeyong swiftly reached for Doyoung's computer while consciously avoiding contact with him.

"Return it," Doyoung ordered but Taeyong kept it close to him, using Doyoung's avoidance to people to his advantage. Doyoung could only sit there and helplessly watch Taeyong and pray that he was not doing anything stupid.

"I may have better aesthetic ideas than yours," Taeyong placed the computer next to Doyoung and nudged it towards him, encouraging Doyoung to take a look.

Doyoung carefully picked it up and took a look, hoping to not faint.

Fortunately Taeyong had done a good enough job.

Doyoung looked rather pleased, although he was still wearing that bored look, however his eyes had a spark.

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