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Doyoung sat up hurriedly, his sharp ears hearing the clinking of keys at the door. As if some mechanism had responded in him, he immediately woke up when he heard it. A gasp slipped from his lips. "Taeyong!" Doyoung threw his pillow at an asleep Taeyong who woke up and hurriedly got off the mattress.

"What's wrong?" Taeyong heaved as he cautiously scanned the dark room, feeling startled when Doyoung suddenly pushed the mattress back under his bed before rushing to turn off the nightlight. He did not get a response.

Doyoung's mind was racing. Where could they hide? His gaze landed on the cupboard. WIthout a second thought, he yanked it, relieved of the spacious area inside, enough to fit two bodies with some squeeze.

"Go in!" He hissed, Taeyong scrambled in, Doyoung followed in right after and shut the cupboard door. There was a small latch inside which Doyoung closed before checking if the door was locked from the inside.

Doyoung sank his back against the left side of the cupboard, breathing deeply, his ears perking up at any slight sound. Taeyong faced him on the opposite side, his legs tucked into his chest, resting his chin on his knees, wearing a fearful look on his face, wishing that he knew what was going on.

Doyoung began to worry. He felt slightly irked that he was in such close proximity with Taeyong, who was only 2 feet away from him but he was more worried about other matters. He felt himself tense up as the door was clanked shut and heavy footsteps grew louder and closer.

Taeyong searched for Doyoung's gaze for reassurance and maybe an answer, still confused about what was going on. He bit his lip when he saw Doyoung bring his index finger to his lips, his eyes glistening with fear and tears.

"Ah, that kid stayed up and outside again?" Taeyong heard an unfamiliar, hoarse voice, deeper than the depths of the sea.

"I'll give him a good lesson when he comes home," the foreign voice continued, his footsteps sounding around Doyoung's room as the sounds of the cabinet door opening reached his ears.

"He hasn't served me with his service and I already gave him his payment for that. I'm really going to make sure he can't walk after we're done," the voice let out a dark cackle.

Taeyong immediately moved his gaze to Doyoung when he heard that, never expecting the voice to say that. He saw Doyoung's eyes glistening, tears spilling out of his eyes and running streams down his cheeks as they could no longer be contained. Taeyong hesitated but still gently wrapped his arm around Doyoung who leaned away from it at first before accepting Taeyong's reassuring hold.

Doyoung felt Taeyong's contact burning on his skin, he felt uncomfortable but was unable to push Taeyong away for a reason he wished he knew. He unconsciously leaned closer to Taeyong, the company and that he was not alone brought comfort to his panicking, frightened state.

Doyoung shifted closer with every loud footstep that was heard, soon close enough with his head leaning against Taeyong's shoulders, quietly sobbing in his arms although the burning sensation was still present but had significantly subdued.

"Ah, I'll get him when he returns, I won't be so nice then," the voice started mumbling.

It was quiet for a moment until the cupboard started shaking, as if being harshly yanked from outside.

Doyoung's tears continued to flow as he hid his face in Taeyong's shoulder. They silently prayed that the latch was strong enough to keep the cupboard door from being forced open from the brute strength being exerted.

Loud bangs were heard from the other side of the cupboard, the cupboard door shook and shifted as Taeyong and Doyoung clinged to each other. Taeyong's left arm wrapping around Doyoung's frame as the shaking of the cupboard became more and more violent. Doyoung's skin started scorching from the amount of human touch it was receiving, but he ignored it all, struggling to keep his cries unheard.

His breath hitched when he felt a hand pressed against his mouth gently, he knew it was Taeyong but once again, it burned.

The banging stopped and a hoarse voice followed, muttering something about 'the boy locking up his belongings again,'

The footsteps were heard again but they gradually faded, followed by the thump of a shutting oak door.

Doyoung wriggled out of Taeyong's protective hands and sat with his knees to his chest, sweat from the panic and from the heat in the small space of the cupboard trickled down his forehead and neck. He gently raised his teary eyes to meet Taeyong's soft, brown and confused ones and Doyoung felt a tinge of regret.

Although Taeyong did not say anything but stared back at Doyoung with those helpless brown eyes, Doyoung saw a slight questioning look in it.

Taeyong wanted an explanation.

the story's progressing :)

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