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*A/N: All of the characters belong to J.K Rowling, except for the one's not found in the series, those belong to me. Cover was generously made by 1missciara, so thanks girl <3.*


Everyone in life has a purpose. Whether their purpose is to have no purpose, they still have- no they need a motive to live, a reason for waking up in the morning and facing the world head on. I never thought that a person would be my reason to live, laugh, smile and let alone love. Unfortunately for me, I knew he was trouble from the very start and I still fell for him. Worst part is, I realized my mistake when it was already too late.

Lying here, on this cold, muddy floor forced me to come to grips with the error of my ways. My tears fall rapidly down my sunken cheeks as I clutch his dead body. The guilt of being the reason for this person's death will haunt me forever. But no matter how much I blame myself for this tragic turn of events, I cannot deny the true culprit, love. It blinded me into putting all of my trust into someone who obviously could not be trusted. 

The rain begins to trickle down at a soft, condescending pace until it elevates to a fierce, pounding, storm. Heavy winds push and pull at my bloody hair, making it impossible to look at his pale face. The forest floor was beginning to get all mushy and wet. I sighed loudly while looking up at the unforgiving sky. Moments later I finally gain enough strength to get up and out of this thunderstorm. I had apparated with the body to St. Mungo's hospital and left it there. Someone would soon find it, lying breathless, in front of the door. After that I dissapparated and went back to dark forest to drown myself in guilt, loss, heart-break and betrayal.

The storm soon passed leaving me to wallow, soundlessly on the dewy floor. My small frame was pushed up against a tall Oak tree. I was hugging my knees tightly towards my chest and staring aimlessly at a lone, white flower. I smiled weakly as I picked up the daisy. It was frail and withered but I could tell that it used to be strong and vibrant before this cursed storm came and sucked the life out of it. Just like me. I was a shy, stress-free, fun-loving girl before I met the creature, whose very existence makes my skin crawl and radiate with anger. I sighed as the memory of everything came flooding back to me. My story isn't totally dreadful but it certainly leads up to this. My name is Alice Kingsley and this is the story of my life...up until now that is.

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