Chapter 7

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A few days passed by and it was already Friday. I was a tad bit nervous seeing as my father is going to be here tomorrow morning but what can I do? It is his job. I love my father but he takes his job a bit too seriously which usually leaves me home alone with Pam. Hopefully I can spend some time with him before he leaves on Monday. 

Anyways, I was currently inside the Gryffindor common room, sitting in front of the fire. Why am I here and not in my room? Well, Draco told me that he needed to do a project for some class and that my room would be perfect to do it in seeing as it is 'irrationally large'. He gave me a time that I can and can't go in there. Of course, I agreed. I could never deny him anything, especially something as simple as my room. I sighed.

Everything went back to normal ever since that day in the library, except that Draco has been a bit distant. We don't hang out as much and he tells me that he's busy but I just think he's avoiding me that way I don't get too attached. I mean I like him, he likes me, why can't we just be together? I know I sound desperate but it's a bit frustrating. And today we're having another Hogsmeade trip and I asked Draco to go with me and he told me he was busy. So here I am. Alone. Or so I thought.

"Hey Alice, what are you doing here?" I turned as Harry plopped himself next to me on the couch. He's been acting like this ever since I changed my appearance. Boys!

"I am in Gryffindor which entitles me to the common room." I said matter-of-factly.

"I know that." He rolled his eyes. "I mean why aren't you getting ready to go to Hogsmeade?"

"Oh well, I don't have anybody to go with." I admitted.

He smiled a big smile. "Then go with me. I would love to show you the Shrieking Shack. It's where my godfather and his friends used to hang out at. And if you get scared," He puffed out his chest. "I'll protect you."

I chuckled. "Okay, then I'm just going to go change. I'll meet you by the carriages in 15 minutes."

He nodded and left upstairs to go change. I stood up and quickly made my way upstairs. I told Draco that I would just stay in the common room reading all day but when one door closes. I paused at the room of requirement. Then another one opens, I thought as the doors flew open. I ran inside even though I wasn't supposed to and found Draco sitting in front of a scary looking cabinet. I stared at him for a moment wondering what he was up to until he sensed my presence and turn around, wand in hand. 

"Woah! Draco it's just me." I held my hands up in surrender. When he realized this, he put his wand down and stood up looking extremely annoyed.

"What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to not-"

I cut him off. "I'm really really sorry but I changed my mind and decided to go to Hogsmeade but I need thicker clothes so I came to change." 

"Okay, just hurry." I nodded and went to leave but he grabbed my hand. "Who invited you?"

I stared at him in bewilderment. "How'd you know I was invited?"

He chuckled. "I'm your best friend, I know dam well that you would not go to Hogsmeade by yourself and you would never ask anyone to go with you. So that only leaves the option that someone invited you. Now who was it?"

I took a deep breath and avoided eye contact. "Harry."

"Potter!" His nostrils flared and I nodded sheepishly. "How could you possible say yes to him?"

"I-I don't know. He's my friend and since you didn't want to go. I just thought....." I trailed off. I glanced up at him warily and he had his eye closed. His breathing was ragged and I felt as though he would explode any minute. But he surprised me by answering calmly.

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