Chapter 10

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While walking with Draco, towards our destination, I began to think. What could Dumbledore possibly want with us? We can't be in trouble, at least I can't be. I've done absolutely nothing wrong. I stopped skipping classes, I do all of my work and I never talk back to my tormentors so why would I get called up to the headmaster's office. I glanced to my right at Draco. Why would he need to be there? Unless... I shook the thoughts away and sighed. Harry Potter's assumptions are starting to get to me.

Once we arrived, Draco told the Gargoyle the password, which was lemon drops, before entering. In the room sat Dumbledore at his desk and my father sitting across from him, deep in thought.

"Alice," Dumbledore greeted. "Draco, come in."

I nodded slightly as I sat down with Draco. We were both parallel to my father, so it was pretty awkward to say the least. My father looked up and I instantly saw regret in his eyes.

"Why are we here?" Draco asked, fretfully avoiding Dumbledore's gaze.

However, Dumbledore just smiled. "Do not worry, neither of you are in trouble," he assured. I saw Draco's body lose tension. "I have called upon you both because Robert here has something he needs to say." He turned and addressed my father. "Robert?"

My father took a deep breath. "First off, I would like to apologize to the both of you. Draco, I shouldn't have judge you simply by your name and who your father is. And Alice, I never meant to yell at you but try to understand. I am an Auror, head Auror at that and when I heard that my daughter was gallivanting with a possible death eater, I lost it. Please forgive me."

"It's okay daddy," I smiled.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Draco told him.

My father looked relieved. "Thank you. Oh and Alice, I'm going to make it up to you. Let's say you and I take a trip together during Christmas break. Just the two of us."

"Really? Just us two! No work?" I verified.

He chuckled, "Yes, just us. I promise."

I turned to Draco with a cheeky smile. "Draco did you hear that? My father and I are going on vacation."

Draco laughed. "Yes, Alice, I heard. I'm sitting right here." I nodded feeling stupid but nothing could change this feeling of elation I had. I looked over at Draco and blushed as he stared at me lovingly. I turned to see Dumbledore and my father watching us. I leaned over to Draco and whispered.

"I think were being watched." 

He confirmed my 'suspicions' and chuckled. "You don't say!"

I giggled and slapped his arm playfully. "Don't mock me!"

"Me!" he faked being appalled. "I would never!"

I laughed at this.

"Robert," Dumbledore interrupted. "Don't these two remind you of anyone?" My father seemed perplexed. "A certain couple that used to roam these exact same halls and playfully bicker at one another and then kiss as if nothing happened." My father shook his head and then as if something clicked he smiled.

"Juliet and I." 

My eyes widened. "My mother?"

Dumbledore nodded. "It is true my dear Alice. Your mother and father were inseparable during their times here at Hogwarts. At first it was odd seeing as she was a Hufflepuff and your father was a Slytherin but it did not matter to them. They were in love."

Draco and I blushed at the comparison.

"I knew my mother was in Hufflepuff but daddy, I didn't know you were in Slytherin. I always figured you were in Gryffindor like me," I gathered.

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