Chapter 47

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Rubbing my eyes, I sighed greatly. Onions are the worst vegetable to cut, especially white ones. Draco always insists for me to let the house elves do all the 'slave work' but I like feeling useful. Being a house wife can get very boring if you have elves doing everything for you. And until I start my job in september, I'll have nothing to do. Although caring for Amber is a mission itself.

That little girl is really something. She's fun, out going, and very out spoken. She's a mixture of both Draco and I. She's very smart for her age and loves to read just like me. And Draco bought her a baby broom for her last birthday and now she wants to be a Quidditch seeker just like her father. I always laugh when her and Draco are out in the garden playing on the brooms. They have a really tight bond. And since we have a charm on the house, the muggle that are wandering around can't see anything magical that goes on.

"Mrs. Malfoy?" I turned my head towards Chloe, the house elf, as she entered the kitchen.

I always tell her to call me by my first name but she always refuses. I think it's because she's afriad of Draco. A few years have passed and he's still the same man I fell in love with if not better. But with everyone else he's a bit like his father, tough, demanding, very sly and way too cunning. I shook my head. That's what I get for marrying a Slytherin. But it doesn't bother me, though Harry doesn't like to come over because of it. After all this time they still can't get over their little feud. 

However, Remus and Tonk's son, Teddy loves to play with Amber seeing as he is a year older than her and she's the closest baby to her age group. Bill and Fleur had a daughter named Victoria but she's still a baby. So this means that Harry and Ginny come over a lot, in order for the kids to have a play date. Today's one of those days.

"Yes, Chloe?" I had forgotten that she was there. 

She bowed before speaking. "The guest have all been seated in the living room. Would you like me to serve them something to drink madame?"

I shook my head and picked up a huge pitcher. "No, it's fine. I'll give them some lemonade. But can you please make sure that Amber is playing nice with Teddy? You know how those to can get. They're upstairs in the play area."

She smiled kindly. "Yes, but of course, Mrs. Malfoy right away ma'am."

I nodded as she disappeared before making my way to the seating area in the large living room. Draco and I decided to buy our own home, together. It was a mission to get him to let me pay half of it. My mother and father had left me everything in their will, making me a very wealthy girl. But since Draco's father is incarcerated, he automatically gets his money as well, which makes him think that he has to pay everything. But thankfully, we came to an accord and I helped pay for it.

The house was amazing. It was huge and right by the beach. At first, Draco didn't want to move here because and I quote 'The place was crawling with muggles!' But atleast he stopped saying mudblood. Anyways, I set the tray down and passed Ginny and Harry each a glass. Hermoine and Ron were on their honeymoon and Draco was at work at the Ministry but he should be home any minute now.

"So Alice," Ginny began, she was never one for silence. "How's your job hunt going?"

I sighed happily. "Oh Ginny, you won't belive my luck. McGonagall interviewed me and gave me Sev's old job. Yes! I'm going to be the new potion's teacher at Hogwarts!" We both squealed and Harry just chuckled. "I've been off all this time to take care of Amber but now that she's bigger. Narcissa told us that she would take care of her while we're at work."

Harry smiled. "That's great, Alice!"

"Yeah," Ginny smiled. "We're so proud of you. Snape would have been proud."

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