Chapter 13

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The following day we apparated to Rome. But we didn't go to a hotel because later that day we decide to go to Draco's house in order to spend more time with his mother, seeing as she is alone. I didn't mind, all I wanted to see was the Roman Colosseum. I had read a lot about it and the history behind it fascinated me. Draco and I walked to the colosseum seeing as I had apparated us nearby. The air was chilly since it was in fact December. We both wore thick clothing as we approached the huge structure. My mouth hung open at its enormity. 

"Why are we here exactly?" Draco asked bored.

"Draco, can't you just admire the scenery? I mean look at it. It's massive," I gestured with my arms up.

"Okay, but I fail to understand what it is and what it was used for?" he responded.

I smiled. I love being nerdy sometimes. "Well, the Roman Colosseum as you can see is like a big stadium, an arena if you will. And it was used for celebrations, events and shows they usually displayed gladiatorial fights."

"Fights?" Draco asked, finally interested.

"Yupp the gladiators would fight to the death with lions and wild beast and not many of them survived." Draco visibly gulped as we walked down the steps on the colosseum. "They held the deaths of many prisoners here as well as gladiatorial contests, public spectacles, mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions and chariot races. You name it and they did it. Pretty cool huh?"

"Wow," Draco looked over at the arena floor. "They did all of that here. Yeah that is pretty cool."

"Great now that we saw it, let's go get something to eat, I hear they make awesome pizzas here." I said while tugging Draco away from the colosseum. 

 At first Draco was spectacle of the slice of pizza I handed him but once he took a bite, he couldn't stop. I laughed as he ordered more slices. Afterwards, we just roamed the city, admiring it's the architectural beauty. I was about to suggest our departure when I saw it. The Trevi Fountain. I had read about it but it never occurred to me that it would be this magnificent.

"Draco look," I pointed at the stone structures at the back of the fountain. "The Trevi Fountain, isn't it beautiful?" Before he could answer I took his arm and pulled him towards it. I rummaged through my pocket for two coins and handed one to Draco. 

"What am I suppose to do with this?" he asked bewildered. "Buy more pizza?"

I chuckled. "No silly! We make a wish and then throw the coin in. If you’re lucky the wish will come true." I told him.

"So I can wish for anything that I want," he verified and I nodded.

"Anything so choose carefully. Oh and don't tell me your wish unless it come true okay." He nodded. I turned away from the fountain and Draco mimicked me. I took a deep breath. 

I wish that Draco would fall in love with me!

I threw the coin backwards and turned as it sunk into the water. I sighed hopefully. I know I'm being selfish but I hope it comes true. I honestly believe that we'd be good together.

"Done?" I asked Draco after he threw his coin in. 

He nodded, "Done."

Then he grabbed my hand and after making sure that nobody was looking, he apparated us to the Malfoy Manor.


Draco's house was massive. It wasn't even a house, it was a mansion. He walked us up through the huge iron gates and past the garden. I crooked an eyebrow in fascination when I saw white peacocks roaming the grounds freely. They were so unique. I already admired their taste. We soon entire the house after a cute little house elf opened the door for us. I smiled down at him politely unlike Draco who threw our luggage at him and ordered for him to bring it to our room. I didn't fail to notice when he said room not rooms. 

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