Chapter 29

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The next morning as promised, Snape took me to the Order of the Phoenix's head quaters which was oddly enough at the Weasley's burrow. How Voldermort's never found their 'secret' location is beyond me. I mean, it's not even hidden, it's flagrantly out in the open. So much for being the all powerful, all knowing, dark lord. Suddelnly, Snape decided to roughly yank my arm,effectively pulling me out of my thoughts and I took a deep, unsteady breath as we approached the house. Thankfully, Snape did all the talking. Arthur Weasley had opened the door along with his wife Molly.

At first niether of them recognized me due to a muggle wigg that I managed to confiscate. It was black and short length, just above my shoulders. I wore my black shades. I was still mourning my father's death so naturally my wore drobe consisted of black skinny jeans and a cute black, flowy blouse. Arthur led us to the living room and we sat down as Snape explained to them the situation. Molly was the first to jump up and hug me, followed by Arthur and then suprsingly the twins appeared yelling about how I was alive. I shook my head, smiling. They were obviously eavesdropping. 

Moments later Kingsley Shacklebolt walked in and as the only leader left in the Order, I was anxious to speak with him. Unfortunately, Snape felt the need to speak for me and I groaned in silence. I mean really, I'm not a child.

"Let me get this striaght Severus," Kingsley paused unsure. "You want this sixteen-"

"Seventeen!" I snapped.

Snape looked confused. "Alice, when did you turn seventeen?"

I shook my head carelessly, "This morning."

The twins jumped up and attacked me.

"Happy-" Fred yelled.

"Birthday-" George continued.

"Alice!" They finished together.

I laughed, "Thanks guys but it's not that big of a deal."

They both gave me blank stares. "Alice," George began as if speaking to a five year old. "Today you turn into an adult in the eyes of the wizarding world."

"That is why," Fred began afterwards. "We need to celebrate."



"Guys I said no." I crossed my arms.

"Should we throw her a party?" Fred asked George.

"It would be boring, since everyone is at Hogwarts. Let's take her clubbing." George told Fred.

"No no, that's too muggle." Fred waved off.

"How about we-"

"GUYS! I'm sitting right here you know!" I yelled.

Then for the first time since our conversation started I realized that Snape, Molly, Kingsley and Arthur has left the living room. I stood up and began fuming when their voices echo from the small kitchen. I couldn't completely make out their conversation but from the looks of it, they were agreeing to train me. 

"Eaves dropping?" I turned to a smirking Fred.

"Shush!" I whispered and he just chuckled.

"Why should I?"

I covered his mouth, "Shut up!"

He went to speak again and I glared at him, almost daring him to talk. But before I could yell at him a shadow was casted over both of our crouching figures. Fred and I looked over at each other and gulped. Molly was towering over us and she did not look pleased. She grabbed both of our ears and pulled us into the kitchen. We groaned in protest but she sat us down on the partially filled table.

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