Chapter 1

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King Cross station was packed. After unloading my luggage and saying my good-byes to my loving father, I sat in an empty compartment waiting for the train to start its journey to Hogwarts. Looking out the window I saw dozens of familiar faces, along with new and intriguing ones. And even though I am starting my sixth year at Hogwarts, I can't really call anyone my friend seeing as I do not have any, well with the exception of one person, Hermione Granger. She always talks to me and always tells me a story of her adventures with her other friends. Other than that I am alone.

Many people call me a variety of things but I am, for lack of better words, an outcast, a loner. I am quiet and shy but the worst thing about me is my hat. Ever since I started school I have always worn a hat, it's more of a French type of hat but no matter the weather, I still have it on. I wear my hat for personal reasons but no one has ever bothered to ask me why. They just make fun of me, mostly the Slytherins and others just try to avoid me. Hermione is the only person who knows why, but I still haven't taken my hat off in front of her. And since my father pulled some strings and got me my own personal room, I won’t be bothered by anyone. I stopped rambling and averted my gaze to the platform.

On the left side of the platform I recognized Harry Potter and his friends, Hermione and Ron. They were hastily making their way to the train before the whistle blew, indicating its departure. Harry's mouth moved quickly as he tried to speak in a hushed tone, obviously talking about someone who might be nearby. Hermione and Ron listened intently but both had on unbelieving faces. I sat there and wondered what they could possibly be talking about when Harry took a quick glance in the direction of Draco Malfoy, who looked extremely trouble but tried to hide it. 

As shocking as it may be, Draco Malfoy has never made fun of me. Whenever Pansy or Daphne makes fun of my appearance, which usually consists of baggy clothes, large glasses and of course my hat, he just stands there. I've never even spoken to him before but seeing him so troubled makes me kind of pity him. As I stared at him from inside of the compartment, he must have sensed my gaze and looked over at me. Our eyes locked for a moment, my blue eyes meeting his grey one. I expected him to look away but he didn't. And of course, me being the coward I am, I quickly leaned back into my seat, breaking our brief eye contact. I sighed. So much for being a Gryffindor!

Soon I grew bored so I picked up my new pocket book purse, which my father insisted on buying for me, and pulled out my favorite muggle book, The Notebook. I loved it. I flipped through the pages and located the spot on which I had left off. The whistle blew and as the train moved quickly on the tracks as I indulged myself in my book and forgot where I was. As I read the last passage, tears unwillingly fell from my eyes and dropped down onto the page. Just then the compartment door flew open. I reached up and tried to wipe the tears from my face but it was futile. They had already seen me. I sighed deeply. Let the torturing begin! I thought.

"What's wrong, Kingsley?" Pansy began. "Tired of being a fat lump of nothing?" 

My head hung low after she said that. I knew I wasn't fat, in fact I was far from it but my baggy clothes did make me seems at least four sizes bigger. 

"What a shame," Pansy continued. "Your father is Head Auror for the ministry of magic. He is known for greatness, yet he failed in making you." 

Ouch! That hurt, whether I admitted it or not, it stung deeply. They all laughed at her comment, all of them except for Draco.

"Now leave! This is our compartment!" She ordered.

Unfortunately, my fear enabled me to move.

All of the other compartments were filled and the only possible room on the train would be in the Slytherin section and I'm too young to die. I glanced around the group for help but they all just stared at me with hatred or disgust. Daphne wore the same menacing glare that Pansy had on. Crabbe and Goyle were eating something, what, I'm not sure. Blaise looked like he could care less but he still held a strong gaze and finally Draco.

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