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My heels clicked and clacked loudly as I made my way up the stands and watched as it marvolously overlooked the massive Quidditch pitch. I sighed relieved as I took a seat next to Luna Lovegood, who smiled at me threw her oddly shaped lenses. I returned the smile and looked around for Draco. I had already spotted Harry, Ginny and their son, Albus Potter behind me as they waved frantically at Teddy. Teddy Lupin, the proud third year Gryffindor and their prized seeker.

Amber, who was only in her second year, this being her first game, really had her hands full seeing as she was the new Slytherin Seeker. I smiled softly as I remembered the countless times that Draco would stay up playing seeker with her. They were both best friends, nothing has changed that over the years, no house rivalry has gotten between them. And if I had it my way, I'd have them get married. But I'll let them do that on their own.

Frowning, I continued my search for Draco. Madame Hooch had yet to begin the game and Amber would never forgive him if he missed her first Quidditch game. Amber was a bright, kind hearted beautiful girl who strived to make Draco happy. She was exactly like her father if not worst sometimes, especially if it concerns Draco. I can not even begin to count how many times she has spoken out for her father.

"Professor?" Hunter, one of my first year potion's students, called out to me one day. I was teaching a class of Gryffindors along with Slytherins when he initiated one of Amber's many arguements.

"Yes Hunter?"

"Is it true that you knew the old Potion's teacher?" he asked shyly.

I smiled but Amber cut in before I could speak. "Of course she knew him!" she boasted and I suppressed an eye roll. Just like her father, I thought. "Severus Snape! That was his name and don't you forget it! He helped my mother and father survive the war. He trained my mum to be an awesome Auror and watched over my father when he needed him most. He was Dumbledore's right hand man and if it weren't for his double agent skills, then Voldermort would not have been easily defeated." I smiled and touched the sapphire necklace around my neck.

The rest of the class stopped working to listen in.

"But wasn't he a death eater?" Kyle, a snotty Gryffindor boy, sneered.

"SO?" Amber raised her voice. "What do you have against death eaters? Yeah they were bad and caused horrible damage to the Wizarding World but not all of them were the same. Snape was a prime example of that and my father! My father was and still is the best wizard alive! He helped Harry Potter when he didn't sell him out to Voldermort! He could have killed Dumbledore but he didn't. My father is the best!"

"Who's your father?" Kyle asked a little scared now.

Amber smirked and flipped her blonde hair backwards. "My father is none other than Draco Malfoy." The class gasped and stared at her in awe. I just crossed my arms and leaned up against the desk. Not many people knew that I was her mother but I guess that ends today.

"Wait! Malfoy?" Hunter spoke again and then he stared at me for a minute before it all clicked. "Professor! You're Draco Malfoy's wife and Amber's mother." I nodded with a smile and Amber grinned.

"Oh Wow! Just great! Now she's going to get all of the O's!" Kyle cut in angrily.

Amber's eyes widened with anger. "Oh shut it! You foul, good for nothing-"

"What? Are you going to call your death eater father on me?" Kyle mocked. By now Amber was livid. Teddy and Hunter had to hold her back.

My eyes narrowed at his comment. "Detention!"

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