Chapter 32

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Snape shook his head. "Alice," My heart stopped in anticipation. "It was...Pamela."

My heart felt like it was hit by the Hogwarts express, "W-What? N-No, it c-can't be."

Snape sighed, "It's true. I'm so sorry Alice."

I just shook my head not wanting to talk to him anymore. Pamela. I can't believe I forgot all about her. How could I have been so slow? She even said it. "You'll pay for this. The both of you will rue the day you messed with Pamela Anderson."  How could I have been so blind? Of course Pam knew where our safe house was. My father trusted her with everything he had, even with me. My eyes closed and my teeth clenched together painfully. 

Angry, blinded, decieved, numbed, vengeful, that's exactly how I felt right now. My eyes blurred with tears as I abandoned Snape and apparated to grandma Anderson's estate. My heart ached uncontrollably and tears would not cease to fall down. I couldn't believe it. All this time my poor baby. My poor Draco, I was so mean to him. I watched him cry and I was happy about it. Now all I feel is self-loathing. How can I prove to him that I was decieved by his own mother and aunt? That we were both victims in the hands of evil.

I pushed those thoughts aside as I blasted the door open. Apparently, there was some sort of Christmas party going on because the music stopped and an adundant amount of heads turned towards the door. I kept a strong and dominant posture as I entered the house, scanning the crowd looking solely for her. It wasn't long before I found her. She was sporting a long black gown and I found it ironic how it matched perfectly with her black heart.

"Alice?" Her eyes widened in evident shock. "You're alive?"

"Yeah bitch no thanks to you!" I snapped angry. I had no patience with this woman. All those years of bullying and taunting have finally caught up with me.

"How DARE you speak to me like this? You litt-"

"No! How dare YOU tell Voldermort where my father's safe house  was located!" I yelled forgetting to not say his name. Oh well, if the snatchers come for me they're getting more than they bargained for. "My father is dead because of you!" 

Pam's face turned into a calm and teasing smirk. "Well you're a smart one aren't you?" she sighed as if she was bothered with me. "If you must know then yes, yes I did tell the dark lord. After all, I am his loyal servant."

My eyes widened when she gestured to her left arm. I glared at her dark mark, "You're a death eater."

"Of course I am. I've been one for years. Ironic isn't it? Your father was Head Auror yet he married a death eater." She laughed and a few people in the audience laughed as well. My eyes narrowed, some of them were death eaters. 

"Why?" I choked out.

She shurgged, "Your father was mine and if I couldn't have him, no one would. So I had him eliminated." My blood boiled as she spoke of his death like nothing. "And as for you, I had a little help from my friend Bellatrix and her sister Narcissa. It wasn't hard. I just got the dark lord to threaten the life of Narcissa's son and she instantly agreed. Bellatrix was easy, she volunteered."

My hands shook with anger. It was her all along. I blamed Draco, Narcissa, Snape but it was Pamela. She wanted revenge. I closed my eyes. Just like me. Now I see that revenge is never the way to go. My shattered heart was rebuilt and full of hate. My eyes snapped open and I saw red everywhere.

"CRUCIO!" I thundered angrily and Pamela must have anticipated my move because she quickly moved out of the way.

"Experlliarmus!" She shouted.

"Ennervate!" I countered it. "Petrificus Totalus!" She moved again and a random bystander was hit. They fell to the floor, body binded. My eyes snapped back to Pam's.

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