Chapter 44

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A few days passed after the battle of Hogwarts took place. Funerals were issued and the grieving losses of our beloved ones still remained. It hurts me when I think about everyone who has past, especially Fred and Snape but it helps to know that they did not die in vain. Because of them, we are able to live in peace once again. And for that I shall be eternally grateful.

And as for Draco and I, we've been staying at the Malfoy Manor with Narcissa, as she cries for her incarcerated husband. At first I felt bad for her but the reality is that Lucius did indeed derserve it. He's just lucky he didn't suffer the same fate as Pamela. She was sentence to the dementor's kiss. I hated that women but part of me still pitied her but it wasn't enough to speak in her behave. She was the reason for my misfortune and to me, she is already dead.

"Alice," a soft, manly voice spoke from behind me. I turned and was quickly captured by two stong arms.

I smiled and pecked his lips gently, "Hey babe."

Draco's eyes lit up, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You've been unnaturally tired for the past couple of days. Are you sure you don't want to see a healer?"

I shook my head though that action along made my head spin. "No Draco, I'm fine." I paused with a small smirk on my face, "Are you just using me as an excuse to not help out?"

Draco blushed a bit, "N-No."

I laughed, "What? Is the spoiled rich kid too scared to do a little bit of manual labor?"

His shook his head and glared at me. "No! It's just...THOSE PEOPLE ARE LUNITICS!" he shouted in frustration making a funny face in the process and I tried to contain my laughter but failed miserably. Draco's eyes narrowed. "What's so funny?"

"You!" I chuckled. "All you have to do is help them rebuilt the left side of the castle. Plus you have a wand, it's not rocket sciene, you know?"

Draco sighed, "You're right. It's probably just the heat. But these people wouldn't give me a bloody break until I told them that you haven't been feeling well." He sighed once again, "But I guess it's the least I can do for since they spoke for me and didn't put me in Azkaban."

I nodded. "Good boy, now go. I'll be fine. I'm just going to go help regrow a few trees that burnt down in the forest."

Draco stared at the Forbidden Forest, his eyes weary. "...Fine, just be careful." He kissed my forehead and then he was off to help Ron, Harry and Neville with the castle. What a drama queen, I thought with a smile. But he's MY drama queen, I smiled as I gazed down at my engagement ring. I stared at it briefly before making my way deep into the forest, regrowing the trees int he process. 

For the past couple of days, everyone has come to Hogwarts in a determined effort to rebuilt it to it's previous and glorious state. I may not be an architect but I'd say that in a few more days, we should have this castle back up and running for our graduation next month. I paused at a tree feeling tired again and sat down. 

As I regained my breath, my eyes made contact with a small diamond shaped rock. I crawled over to it and pick it up from the grass. How peculiar? I thought as I twirled it around on my finger tips. It was red and sparkly but dull at the same time. Why would somebody just throw this away? 

"What is this?" I thought out loud.

"It's the resurrection stone, my dear."

My head snapped up when that all too familiar voice spoke. I hadn't heard it in years but it was still fresh in my mind. "M-Mum?" I started at her in complete awe and confusion. She was exactly as I had remembered. Tall, blonde and beautiful. She smiled at me with her pearly whites and I stood up quickly, running over to her, trying desperately to hug her but to no avial. I went right through her. "What the-"

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